Chapter 20

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"My boy...My precious, baby boy." Lionel's mother shouted, sitting in the waiting room.

"Honey, you've got to calm down. Worrying like this won't mend his broken heart." King Peter said, caressing his wife's back.

"J-just want to know if he's okay." She sobbed, her shoulders shaking.

"Well, he's got broken ankles and a broken arm. Other than that, he's got some bumps and bruises." The doctor said, coming up behind Lionel's parents.

"So will my baby be okay?" She asked, chewing on her lip.

"Your 'baby' will be in a wheelchair for a time, then he will be in therapy, and then crutches. This will be a slow, agonizing process and Lionel will need the support." The doctor droned on, but Lionel's mom had heard all she wanted to hear. She was done with the doctor, and this hospital. She burst into tears, writhing in her seat.

"Honey, you've got to calm down. Crying won't heal his bones." Lionel's father warned.
. . .
"Ma'am! Ma'am, are you okay?! Ma'am!" A flight attendant asked, shaking her wildly.

Tabitha's eyes shot open and she was instantly in pain. Her arm and both of her ankles were throbbing with heat. She cried out, scaring the flight attendant.

""Are you okay, Miss?" She asked, frantically.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." Tabitha forced, smiling at the lady.

"O-okay." She said, nervous. The flight attendant walked away slowly, looking back several times to see if she was okay.

Tabitha paid no attention, but instead tried to mind link Lionel. After a while of nothing, Tabitha gave up.

"Why isn't it working?" She shouted.

The flight attendant came back in a hurry, checking on Tabitha, and walked away.

"Because it only works one way. Only I can mind link you." Lionel said, surprising her.

"Lionel! Baby, are you okay?!" Tabitha thought, the worried look apparent on her face.

"I'm fine. Just had...a weak moment. I guess. Broke my arm and both of my ankles. Other than that, I'm high as fuck!" Lionel thought, chuckling.

"Oh, how fun!" Tabitha said, sarcastically, "What happened to you?"

"Well, I uh...tried to kill myself and I failed." Lionel answered, truthfully.

"Why would you do that?" Tabtha asked, impulsively.

"I felt like I wasn't fit to rule the kingdom." Lionel said, laughing. "Now I'm really not." He said, becoming gravely serious.

"Oh, Lionel! You'll get better! Then you'll rule the socks off that kingdom!" She encouraged.

"Thanks, my love."

"So what hospital are you stationed at?"

"The one by your house." Lionel explained. "We have a meeting base back home."

"How convenient!"

"Yep. Anyway, I need to get some rest." Lionel explained.



Tabitha laid back cautiously, wary of hurting hurself, and was soon fast asleep.

When she woke up, she and the people on the airplane, had arrived back home.

When Tabitha had gone through security and things of that nature, she met up with her mom, who was holding up a sign that said,

"My precious Tabitha."

"Don't you think that's a bit extra?" Tabitha asked, eyeing the sign in disgust.

"Of course! This is also because I haven't seen my favorite daughter's face in a month." She explained, a wide, genuine grin on her face.

"Mom, I'm your only daughter." Tabitha said.

"Exactly why you're my favorite!" Her mother said, scurrying through the airport.

Tabitha follwed her mom through the crowd, knowing she'd get left if she didn't keep up.

"C'mon dear." Her mother beckoned, causing Tabitha to start sprinting.

When they got home, Tabitha took all her things out of the trunk and up into her room. When she got into her room, so many memories floated back to her. Lionel leaving her, Roland's Confession, her meltdown. This room seemed to be full of sadness.

"I think I'll paint it yellow." She said, looking at her dark purple walls.

. . .

"Well, took you long enough!"

Hey, now. I was having bad writer's block and this horrendous thing called school hindered me from updating. But Spring Break is in 2 weeks and I should be updating then...hopefully.

Thanks for reading! I love your comments, don't forget!!







Thank you, love you all.

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