Chapter 38

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It had been a while since anyone had seen or heard from Aaron. Everyone was slowly learning how to live without him, except Anna. Every night, she would go to the forest that he had gone to when he killed Vladimir, and cry out for him. This night however, was different. She had a plan, and it didn't involve her crying.

Anna pulled up in front of the familiar forest and hopped out of the car. Shovel in hand, she trudged through the forest until she came upon the decaying body; Vladimir's body. Thrusting the shovel into the dirt, Anna began digging a grave. She believed that if she buried him herself, that Aaron would somehow want to come back. It had rained previously, making the soil beneath her feet soft and malleable to her shovel. Even still, the soil was heavy and Anna's body was tired. She hadn't had a good night's sleep since Aaron held her in his arms. Life was hard, but she didn't complain. Lionel and Tabitha seemed to be enjoying the mom and dad-to-be experience and she didn't want to ruin that with her constant sob story.

Once the hole was big enough, Anna threw the shovel to the side and prepared herself for the next step. Mustering up all the confidence she could, Anna grabbed Vladimir's lifeless hand and began to drag him towards the hole she made. Just as she was about to drop him in and cover him up, she heard a low growl.

Terrified, she looked from left to right, looking for the source of the sound. Her eyes met a wolf's and her heart stopped.

Could this be Aaron? She thought, dropping Vlad's hand and slowly standing to her feet.

"A-aaron?" Anna choked out, stepping forward slightly. "I-it's me, Anna."

The wolf's growl grew in ferocity as he stepped back, feeling her encroach on his space. Whatever it was, it didn't like for her to be so close to it.

"If it's you sweetie, you can tell me. I can take you home and we can act like you never even left." She said, walking closer towards him.

You really believe it's that easy? Aaron's voice called out sarcastically, as though mocking her hope.

"I do, because I know we've dealt with stuff like this before. I know we can get through it." She said, picking the shovel up and continuing to walk towards him. "Now...just change back and bury the body, everything can go back to normal after that."

Aaron stepped back, threatening to take off into the forest again, "Why do I always have to change for you? It's seems like you're never satisfied."

"No, that's not i-"

"Can't you love me the way that I am?" He asked, his eyes piercing through to her soul.

"Honey, you know I love you the way you are. But, I can't hug a wolf the way I hug you.. I can't sleep with a wolf the way I sleep with you.. I can't kiss him. I can't cuddle with him, and that's everything I love doing with you. I just want that back, you can stay exactly how you are. You know I'll accept you." She said, tears falling down her cheeks. "I just want my baby back, that's all."

Aaron slowly turned human, but he was somehow different. He had matured while he was in the forest, and now had a short beard to show for it. Now very muscular, his now deliciously sun-kissed skin fell over his abs beautifully, almost taking Anna's breath away.

Aaron picked Vladimir's body up and gently laid him in the hole. He grabbed the shovel and began taking the dirt from the pile Anna created, and covering the hole with it.

"Peace be with you." He whispered, patting the dirt on top of the grave. He placed a large stone at the top of the grave, to signify that someone was killed at this spot. Once he was done, he grabbed the shovel and walked towards the edge of the forest, Anna following close behind.

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