Chapter 7

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"So, what's the surprise?" Tabitha asked, out of curiosity.

"Well, if I told you, then-"

"I may create a surprise for YOU." She said, winking at him.

"Oh, so tempting. But, no. I won't ruin the surprise." He said, gripping the steering wheel. It was gonna be hard to keep this from her, even if it was just a couple minutes. She was so cute, he thought, looking over at her. Her plump cheeks, brightly shining brown eyes, and smooth brown skin. Everything about her was beautiful, for lack of better words.

"Hey! Eyes on the road!" Tabitha screamed, shutting her eyes.

As he was admiring her, he'd forgotten that he was driving. Swerving all over the road, Lionel tried to regain control of the vehicle. Tabitha let out a blood-curdling scream, that shook Lionel to the core. He didn't like that she was scared, because that meant he wasn't doing his job. Once he righted the car back on the right side of the road, he let out a deep breath.

"What the HELL where you looking at??" She asked, heated.

"You..." He answered, truthfully.

"Well, quit it! You could've killed somebody!!" She scolded, staring at him. Her yelling technique faltered when she looked over at Lionel. Something flickered in his eyes. It was apology, guilt, and sadness, all in there together. She knew he felt bad.

"How am I 'sposed to care for you if I keep doing things like this??" He mumbled, scolding himself.

"Lionel, it was only this one time. Don't get yourself all worked up..." She said, trying to console him.
But he didn't seemed phased by her words.

They rode the rest of the way in silence. Tabitha noticed that Lionel didn't look at her ONCE. He's too scared to, She thought, admiring him.

Once the car stopped in front of her house, Lionel looked long and hard at her. Then, he slammed his hands on the steering wheel, frustrated with himself. This startled Tabitha, and startling her, just pissed him off MORE.

"A-are you okay?" He asked, as gently as he could. He felt bad. I can't even drive her home, he thought, pushing back lumps of emotion that threatened to seep through.

"I'm fine. A little shook up, but that's up." She said, with a weak smile.

"Did you still want to see your gift?" He asked, sadly.

"Yes!! Of course!! Let's see it!" She said, jumping out of the car. Lionel followed close behind, still depressed about losing control of the car earlier.

¤ ¤ ¤

When they reached the door to her room, Lionel smiled, grabbing the handle. He opened it, and Tabitha looked into the room, excited. She found nothing, so she looked up at him, quizzically. "Look on the bed" He said, his grin widening.

Tabitha ran over to the bed, to find a life-size heart, as big as she was. "Oh, Lionel! It's wonderful!" She exclaimed, picking it up.

"I'm glad you like it, because that's not it." Lionel said, pointing to the box on her bed. Tabitha walked slowly towards the box, smiled at Lionel, and proceeded to open it.

When it was opened, a little white and black husky jumped out of the box. "Oh, it's so small!!!" She said, gaping at the puppy.

"Well, I thought...since we can't have puppies/babies now...we'll substitute" He said, with a wide grin.

Tabitha gulped, trying to swallow the emotions that caught in her throat. She didn't like that he was already thinking about kids, that was her job, and she wasn't ready to think like that yet. "Oh wow! This is out baby, huh?" She asked, looking at the puppy. She had to admit that the puppy was super cute.

"Yeah, you can pick the name." Lionel said, smiling.

"Kota." She said, softly.

"Perfect." He said, chuckling.

"So, Kota...Do you like your new home?" Tabitha asked, bending down to face level with the dog.

The puppy barked happily, running around in circles.

"I think he likes it a lot." Lionel answered for him.

"Looks like it!" She said. "Hey, you wanna watch a movie?" She asked, smiling at Lionel,

He seemed happy that she'd asked. "Of course." Lionel replied, following her into the kitchen. Kota yipped, following them both.

"We'll make the popcorn first." She said, taking bowls out. When she reached to grab the bowls, her shirt lifted up, to expose her slightly chubby stomach.

"Ungh..." He moaned, his knees buckling slightly. Saying that everything she did turned him on, was an understatement. "Lionel?" She said, looking at him with worry.

"Yeah? Sorry, I'm good." He said, shaking himself back to reality. Tabitha looked at him, grinning. He'd past the test. He really was in love with everything she did. It took everything in his power not to grab her.

"Wanna help me? I can't reach the bowls." She said, trying hard to reach them.

Lionel took this as a chance. He slowly walked towards her, hands outstretched. When he reached her hips, he pressed up against her. Now it was Tabitha's knees, that began to buckle.

"Which bowl, babe?" He asked, purring in her ear. Tabitha shut her eyes, tight. "I -i can't..." She said.

"Can't...what, darling? Can't decide which one? Don't worry, I'll choose." He said, extending his arm to grab a bowl. More of him pressed against her, driving her wild.

Scenes of passionate love-making went through her mind, while he was slowly choosing a bowl. When he had found one he liked, he grabbed both of her hips. "Let's pop this popcorn now.." He said, tantalizingly slow and breathy.

When Tabitha heard the word 'pop', She thought of Lionel, skillfully and sexily popping the button of her jeans. Out of nowhere, he backed off of her, severing the feeling and scenarios. Tabitha realized that he'd been the one mentally feeding those thoughts to her. This was gonna be a long day..

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