Chapter 15 Orc Fight

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( Kronya is going to have a good time killing some orcs and Uraks.)

3rd Pov

Somewhere in the tower Kronya then woke up to see she was somewhere different. Kronya then check her chest but her scars where healed. Kronya looks around until she sees her sword. She then got her sword until she needed to leave this place. Kronya then ran down the stairs and the bridge until she sees a camp. It was then a army of Orcs and Uraks then looks at her while some then ignored her. The Urak then walked to her and growls at her.

Urak: " Hey you. Go back to the tower."

Kronya: " You one ugly thing I ever see in my entire life."

The Urak was angry so she push her while a orc protected her.

Orc: " Have some respect maggot. You are talking to the master's second daughter."

Kronya was confused until a Urak talks to him.

Urak: " I don't talk to morgal rats like you."

The Urak then push him until the orc then grab his sword.

Orc: " One more time until or I'll guy you."

The Urak then punches the orc while he yells at his Urak friends.

Urak: " This scum should not be our leader kill her!!!"

It was then Uraks and orcs are then fighting each other. The orcs then slash while they jump kick them. Kronya was ready to kill so she then laugh and slash a urak. The spear Urak then threw spears at her but she dodge them and stab him. The Orcs and Uraks fight in the camp. There were  ripped while their blood spills at the ground. Th Olog-Hai has to stop the Orcs and Uraks from fighting each other. Y/n was just looking at from his tower. His spirt on his eye was then seeing his second Daughter Kronya. She was a beast while she slays her orcs. She smiles while slash the Uraks. Y/n didn't mind because he has some spares and more will be coming soon. Meanwhile Kronya was then slash the Uraks while a Urak with a sword who is captain came to her.

Urak Captain: " Hey you!! Are you the daughter of the dark lord. You are just a faker!!! If the dark lord is here why does not he protect you!!!"

Kronya: " Shut up and die!!"

The Urak Captain then slash her but Kronya then stab him. The Urak Captain the slash but she then dodge. The Urak Captain was then mad until he then charge her while Kronya then stab him while the Urak Captain was then kneel down hurt.

Urak Captain: " Damm I am defeat I will have my revenge."

It was then Kronya slash him in the front until the Urak Captain then deflect. Kronya then push her speed until she chop off his head. The orcs then cheer for her killing that traitor. Meanwhile Y/n was then very interesting on her from killing the Urak Captain one of his best captains in Mordor. Kronya lead her orcs to charge against the Uraks and it was a big clash. Kronya was having fun killing until Y/n saw a Urak sneaking behind of Kronya. The Urak then slash Kronya in the back until she fell down. Kronya then tired to slash him until Garl saves her by smash his musical weapon. He then looks at her until he sang to her.

Garl singing: " The daughter of the dark is interesting. But I think I'll be with you until the end. Now go kill kill those maggots."

Garl then left until another charge at her. Tarka then threw his spear at the Urak. Kronya looks at him while he just screams at her.

Tarka: " Ohhhh waaassa hahhhhahaha!!!"

Tarka ran to fight the other Urak traitors. Kronya just smiles while she didn't know why she helps her but really she wants to kill anyone. Y/n sees bodies of Orc and Urak dead bodies from getting bloody really bloody. It was then the eye was getting bright at the camp. The Uraks and Orcs then ran because his master would punish him. The Olog-hai then kneels down so he knows they are obeying Him.  The bright light then was looking at Kronya until the mouth came to her.

Mouth of Y/n: " It is good to see the second daughter of the dark lord."

Kronya: " Who are you?"

Mouth of Y/n: " I am your adviser and here to help you."

Kronya: " Why is that every of those things say that I am the daughter of this dark lord?"

Mouth of Y/n: " It's because the dark lord is your father."

Kronya: " Thats in possible I killed my parents."

Mouth of Y/n: " No but if you want the truth then you should meet him. He's already up the tower. If you want to leave then he will but he will show you your new power and you can kill anyone."

Kronya: " Really I want to see him!!!"

Kronya ran up fast to see him. Kronya was outside the tower until she doesn't see him. It was then a bright light then came and looked at her. The dark lord then came out the bright light and walks to her. Kronya was then looking at him until Y/n see her.

Y/n: " Hello there. I am Y/n or should I saw your father."

Kronya: " How is that possible!!!"

Y/n: " I gave you my blood so you can be alive. If you want to know how are you strong then looked at the land."

Kronya looks around the land to see it was volcanic and black.

Y/n: " This is mordor. A place for darkness was born. Mordor is making us powerful. You can join in my family or go. It's your choice."

Kronya: " Does it involved of killing?"

Y/n: " Yes."

Kronya smiles while she was excited to kill while she has a father who wants to kill anyone too.

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