Chapter 12 The spider in Mordor

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3rd Pov

In Mordor Y/n was at the tower being the eye. He was just looking around Dol Guldur to see his daughter ok and safe. It was then Ratbag came running up the tower while he was breathing harder.

Ratbag: " My lord!!! Ohh god why the stairs."

Y/n: " Tell me Ratbag? What are you yelling about. Is it the Orcs and Uraks fighting again?"

Ratbag: " No it's because our scouts left one of your forts but they didn't come back. There was one who survived and they told the others that they where attacked by the giant spider. It's bigger then the others and scary."

Y/n knows it was his friend who his master use to be allies but she betrayed him. Y/n then turns himself into his armor form and walks down the tower. He then walks to confront with the spider of Mordor. Somewhere at Cirith Ungol the Dark Lord was walking to the cave. The Orcs and Uraks behind them are scared because something lurks at them in the shadow. Y/n does not care but he wanted to make a relations to the spider due from his terrible things he did in the past. It was then he enters the cave. It was dark and there where webs inside. Y/n was not scared but he wanted to make relations. Y/n was in darkness until the giant spider came. The Giant spider then came out of hiding and she was about to attack. Y/n got out his mace and points it at her.

Y/n: " You know I can sense you. Turn into your human self so we can talk."

The giant spider then turns herself into her human form while Y/n shrink down to human size. The spider then sat down on a rock while he was standing up.

???: " So Y/n how is it that you have been stuck in the void?"

Y/n: " Longer enough that I am alive Shelob."

Shelob: " So Y/n how's your wife. She's well a bad temper when you made your child as an abomination to her."

Y/n: " Don't you dare talk to my child that way!!!"

Shelob: " You do realize she just cut her fingers and then died from your wife. You really think your daughter is related to her because you wanted the crest. What kind father are you. Using her as a weapon to destroy your enemies. Do you think there is another who has some of your blood. She is now her and your half daughter too."

Y/n: " I will try to convince her to join me."

Shelob: " What if she don't want to join you?

Y/n: " ......."

Shelob: " So basically you don't know well my point of your action is to end her before she ends someone precious."

Y/n then uses his mace and smash the floor. Shelob was silent until Y/n looks at her.

Y/n: " Look I was a jerk all those years. I'm sorry that I betrayed you. I am sorry for everything. Please join me and I can give you anything,"

Shelob: "....... Well I have two. One you will say I am weak and I am a idiot. And two I want a powerful ring of Mordor."

Y/n: " Do I have to?!"

Shelob: " If you want me to forgive me."

Y/n: " Arghhh!!! Fine I am weak and I am a idiot and ok. Will you join me for my conquest."

Shelob: " Thats I wanted to here. Now my friend don't forget the promise."

Shelob smiles while she turns into her spider form. Y/n just sighs and went back to the tower. He was in his eye form while he hates what he says to her. As a dark lord now a fool at her. Will the Dark Lord would tell his daughter about his mother.

( it's short but progress for conquest.)

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