Chapter 5 Dol Guldur and the Pale Orc

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3rd Pov

At the Tower of Barad dur the dark lord was the looking at mordor. He looks to see D/n and Ratbag talking to each other while they looked on the ground to see it was bright. He then shade their eyes from the bright eye light.

Ratbag: " Man your father wants us to work hard?"

D/n: " My father wanted to see Fódlan while looking at you. You guys always fight and kill each other."

Ratbag: " Thats how a Urak or orc gains strength by fighting. So does he just look?"

D/n: " Sometimes but without his ring of power he just stays in Mordor to regain strength while he finds the ring and gains his full strength."

Ratbag: " I see."

Y/n was done looking at them until he looked at the north west. It was dark. Y/n looks around to find the fortress until he then found found it. Y/n then summons his nazgul with their lord.

They all kneel down for their orders.

Witch king: " What is it my lord?"

Y/n: " It is time we shall go to Dol Guldor and take it as my fortress."

Witch King: " We will go with you."

Y/n turns into a very big dark miss while the nazguls turns into green mist. Y/n flies down to the Orcs, Uraks, and Olog-Hai while they looked at him.

Y/n: " Me and my Nazguls are leaving!!! D/n and the mouth will be your leader. I'll be back so I can build another army to the west!!!"

Y/n then flies as the mist while the land was dark. It took them about minutes until they are here. The witch king and the Nazguls landed and then turns into their human ghost form. Y/n was a mist so anyone will think he's like a servant to him.

Witch king: " What will you do my lord?"

Y/n: " I will find orc tribes to reunite and become a legion. You and the 9 will defend until I will get back."

Witch king: " As you wish my lord."

Y/n flies as a mist to go back to the East at the mountains. He flies faster until he found light in a cave. Y/n enters to see orc tribes fighting and arguing each other. Y/n stopped them by revealing himself.

Y/n: " Sha fa looo kaaa. ( I have return!!!"

The orcs looked at him until a Pale orc arrives. He was with another orc who looks like he's one of his officers.

Y/n: " Ka na go la me orcas ( Tell me are you leader of the orcs.)"

Pale orc: " Sha na ma loo ca na Ho ja?( Yes I am now are you really him?)

Y/n: " Lo ka go no ma ra ha ( I came back now will you help me or serve me?)"

The Pale orc kneels while the other orcs kneels to him.

Pale Orc: " I am Azog the Defiler."

Y/n: " Ahhh you speak human talk."

Azog: " My tribe learns from human raid. They think it was bandit and we kill bandits."

Y/n: " I see now will you come to old abandoned fortress. It's safe and I'll put a spell so no one will know."

Azog then nodded until Y/n's black misted move.

Hours later

About hours the Azog's tribe made it to the old abandoned fortress. Y/n puts a spell so it will be quiet and abandoned.
He then goes to the witch king.

Y/n: " Did you find anything?"

Witch King: " No my lord it's not here."

Y/n: " Let the Nazgul turn into riders and find the ring. If anyone is blocking their way then leave them alone. We are not prepare to attack soon."

Witch king: " As you wish."

The witch king then told the nazguls to find the ring and give it to him. Y/n then turns the Nazgul into black hooded riders. They then got horses on their travels and rides them to the other. Y/n was everywhere in the fortress while Azog was gathering other Orc tribes to make a legion of orcs. It was then darkness is coming in Fódlan.

( Yeah it's kinda a short story next is the events of fire emblem three house)

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