The Infos about the charcters and classes

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Y/n the Dark Lord of Mordor

Class: The Dark Lord- Dark Lord is the very very evil lord who carries the ring of power

Info: Y/n was use to be part of Melkor's army until he was left in the void. Y/n ran to establish  himself as Dark Lord and Created a ring.


Class: Dark Lord Princess

Info: D/n was then created from Y/n and her mother but she didn't know who her mother was. She always obeys Y/n because she is the only family she has.

Witch King

Class: Nazgul

Info: The Witch King was use to be a king of the empire of the north until he was then betrayed by the empire. He went to a civil war until the empire exiled him out. He then serves Y/n so he can bring his kingdom back.


Class: Nazgul

Info: There once men who where kings, Lords, or champions of Fódlan now serve the Dark Lord for power.

Here's the classes that I made


Class: Orc

Info: Orcs created to kill anyone. But they have small brains and fights a lot. They are still Loyal to the Dark Lord.


Class: Urak

Info: Created by the Dark Lord Uraks can be a little smarter and stronger but lacks of fighting and dumbness from loyalty to someone.

Olog Hai

Class: Olog-hai

Info: stronger and sometimes smarter. In Mordor Olog-hi is one of the tanks to smash anyone.

Orc archer

Class: archer

Info: weak but long range that will kill anyone.

Warg riders

Class: Orc riders

Info: orcs riding in Big wolves well this one looks kinda tough to see those two savages.

Giant spiders

Class: giant spiders

Info: well I hope the characters hates spiders because they are twice as big.

Azog the Defiler

Class: Orc General

Info: Azog the Defiler is one of the best orcs in the land. He will fights to achieve his goals to become the best know Orc to live.


Class: Orc Captain

Info: Blog is Azog's son ( Ok in the books or the Movie that says he's really is son) who always obeys him. He's the second command of him and goes his quest to kill anyone.


Class: Orc Captain

Info: He's captain of the orcs and gets orders from Azog.


Class: Urak

Info: Ratbag is a Urak who became captain of Y/n and does what he wants


Class: Olog-hai

Info: A Olog-hai who only speaks in Black Speech and Ratbag thinks he's friends to him but really he saved his life so he obeys him from saving his life.

That's it really I just letting you know what class they are really

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