Chapter 7 The Orc Gathering in Dol Guldur and the raid

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( The X is where Dol Guldur is

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( The X is where Dol Guldur is. It's basically a wooden lands and it's full with spiders that no one ever goes in or comes out)

3rd Pov

In the fortress of Dol Guldur. The Orc tribes are gathering in a army. Azog the Defiler then walk to where Y/n is. Y/n appears and he then talk to the Orc leader.

Y/n: " My Army is growing in Dol Guldur. It is time you will raid and kill anyone who stands you and them."

Azog: " What about the war is it coming?"

Y/n: " It will come soon. Now there is one that you can find. A girl with green hair. I want your orcs to find her while they are portal the area. If you find her. Give her to me unspoiled."

Y/n then vanish until Azog called his two orc Officers.

Azog: " Bolg!!!! yazneg!!!!

The two orcs came and kneels down. Yazneg kneels to their chief."

( What Yanzog looks like)

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( What Yanzog looks like)

Azog: " Portal the area and maybe find the girl with green hair. The master wants her alive and unspoiled."

The Two Orcs then walks away and gather their own pack to ride on wargs. They then ride out in Fódlan to Portal and find the one ring or the girl.


Byleth was with Dimitri and Catherine. Byleth chose the blue lions and she was a professor of the Blue Lions. She was here to kill Lord Lonato from making a rebellion against the church.

Catherine: " Well this is where he and his men was."

Byleth: " So Uhh Catherine why does Lord Lonato want to rebel?"

Catherine: " Well this is hard but what I heard is that Lord Lonato's son is that-"

It was then a howl came and then kinda freaked the students.

Dimitri: " I never though wolves can be around here."

Catherine: " Well don't worry for wolves we are not scared of them.

It was then a Warg with a orc up top scouts ahead to see he found the green hair girl. He then ride his Dire wolf and ran to the other pack.

Hour later

The Orc scout then ran to his pack of Wargs and Orcs. Bolg and Yanzog was with them waiting for his answers.

Orc: " Sir there is a Human fighting at the west. I have found a girl and a shiny weapon."

Bolg: " I see we shall hunt humans and kill them all!!!"

The orcs screamed while the Wargs howl. The Orcs riding on Wargs while the other wolves who are not mounted ran to where they are.


Byleth, Dimitri, Catherine, the blue lion students where fighting the rebels until Catherine was continuing the fighting until they heard more howling.

Soldier: " Lord Lonato I didn't know there are wolves in the area?"

Lonato: " There are no wolves."

It was then a Warg came and was about to pounce Byleth. Ashe then saw it until he got his arrow and shot it. The  Wargs then was hit and was jumped back to the side.

Byleth and Dimitri where then surprise to see a big wolf.

Dimitri: " By the gods what is that a wolf?!"

Dedue: " He's not alone."

Dimitri: " What do you mean?"

Dedue point at the forest to see more of those big wolves. It was then creature are riding them and begin to attack."

Dimitri: " By the gods Catherine you fought those things before?"

Catherine: " Well I never thought I see one of those things."

Dimitri: " What are they?"

Catherine: " They call themselves orcs. Creatures from those call darkness and their ugly and kill whatever they go. I read a story about this at the Church but I didn't know they are real."

Byleth: " We need to fight them and lord Lonato."

It was then half the Big Wolves and Orcs then went to separate sides. They here attacking Lord Lonato's men while half is attack the students and the church. The orcs where slashing lord Lonato's men where getting slathered by the orcs while they Wargs bits their body's and their heads. The orcs where  swarming at the students until Byleth and Dimitri slash at them. Byleth uses her sword and slash them. Catherine uses her thunderstrike and slash at the orcs and the Wargs.

Bolg: " Kill the She Human!!!!"

Orc: " Which one?"

Bolg: " The one with the shiny sword!!!"

The orcs and Wargs then change their directions and charged at Catherine. She just smiled and slash her sword at 3 wargs. The three Orcs got out from their mounts and charge at her. Catherine slash the three until Blog was then angry. He then goes to Lord Lonato's men and slash him. Lord Lanto then charge at Bolg with his horse. The two clash with their lance and sword.

Lonato: " You monster!!! I'll have your head."

Blog was then angry until the warg bits his horse and went to the ground. Lord Lonato tried to get up until Bolg was then walked to him and then put a blade on his neck. Ashe then sees his adopted father was about to get his head chopped off until it happened. Everyone including the orcs then stopped. Blog got his head and lifted him.

Blog: " Ohhhh chaaaa ghae kaa langh!!!!"

Every Orc was then cheering for this lord's defeat and shows no mercy. Catherine felt bad because of his fate. Ashe was then angry and sad until he got his arrow. The orc then shot an arrow while Dedue blocks it.

Blog: " Oga baak bo da!!!!"

The orcs then ran with their mountains while the church and the students then see dead bodies of Lord Lonato's men.

Catherine: " Search anyone that is still alive."

The church soldiers then ran to find any survivors while Ashe ran to Lord Labor's head. He then cried while Byleth looks sad. Dimitri was with her to see this chaos.

Dimitri: " Those Orcs. They will pay for this."

Dedue: " I never thought we can see those things that are real."

Mercedes: " Ohhh the goddess please help us."

The church soldiers then came back with bad news to Catherine.

Church soldier: " Sir Lord Lontao's men did now survive. We are sorry but they killed everyone."

It was then conflict between Fódlan and orcs begins.

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