The Lore in this story

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So I made a lore about the one ring and Serios well here's the story.

So about long time before humans and Serios came to Fódlan. Elves and Dwarfs came to settle the lands. The Elves made Kingdoms in the woods while Dwarfs made their Kingdoms in the mountains. It was then the Man who was the lieutenant of Melkor named Y/n escapes to the land and went to the East. He then found a place and becomes the next Dark Lord and named it Mordor. It was the Y/n created a master ring one that can rule the land. Over years when Y/n gather his armies, Serios came and made the empire and the Church. The elf leaders including Elrond gather their armies. Some of the Dwarf leaders gather their armies so they can defend their homes from other Orc Attacks. Y/n gather all of his own armies and marched to the lands. Over years the Men, Elf, and Dwarf fought the monsters who servant the dark lord. Over years the armies of the last alliance fought the monsters until they made it to Mordor. At the mountains of Mount Doom the Last Stand of the Dark Lord and his enemies fought. Serios fought Y/n and cut off his ring. It was then Y/n the dark lord was then defeat and his ring was then chosen but a man with the sword of the creator. The ring who chosen him was named Nemesis and then gather his own army. Serios was then alone with her army against him because the Elves and Dwarfs don't like the humans due from their lands where taken. Serios killed Nemesis and took his sword. she then notice the One Ring that Y/n the Dark Lord has. She then put the Ring in a holy chest and hid it where no one will ever find it. It was then Serios made a fool for herself to think the Ring Belong to its own creator. The Dark Lord Y/n. Over years Y/n regain his strength and goes back to Mordor and starts building his armies Once Again. Will Fódlan survives Y/n's second Attack.

Well that's it. I hope you guys loved this Lore.

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