Chapter 1 The Last Alliance and the return of Y/n

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Narrator: In the Land of Fódlan it was a use to be the land of mythical creatures. There where elves and Dwarfs until Humans came and settle here. Over years the Elves where in war against the orcs their Leader Y/n the man who lives in Mordor has the ring to rule all of Fódlan. Lots of villages to the East where raze down. The empire and church began to make an alliance with the Elves. In the age of 90 it was the day the last alliance will face against the Dark lord and his armys.

3rd Pov

Somewhere in fields of the trail to Mordor the army of the empire, the Church, and the Elves came. It was then Elrond one of the elf leaders who stand against Y/n. Elrond then meet with Serios and her army.

Elrond: " Thank you my friend. Although we elves don't like you humans we have a common enemy."

Serios: " The goddess told us to help you."

Elrond: " Serios his orc army is at mount doom. They are in their final fight and after we kill some of his orcs the Dark Lord Y/n is coming."

Serios: " I see."

Serios then pray while Elrond looks at her.

Serios: " Ohh mother guide us to victory."

As Elrond touch her shoulder she then got up and prepare. The armies of Men and Elves marched to Y/n's territory. At the slopes of mount doom they where waiting. A legion of Orcs where roaring at them. They where just vicious and ready to kill. Elrond was with Gil-Galad. He looked at each other to know it was the day the light will fight against the dark. The orcs then attacked the humans. The elves and human archers fired at the orcs. The orcs who are still alive attack them. Elrond then slash the orcs with his sword. Serios was fighting and she was in a rampage. She slash all the orcs with her sword and shows lots of orc blood on her. It was then about a minute the orcs stopped. The men and elves where all confused until they all heard metal clump. Elrond then saw the metal armor man who calls him
Y/n he was taller and has a mace. Y/n then slash the elves and men with his face. He was powerful with the ring. Gil-Galad then charge until Y/n then hits him and died. Elrond then yelled for his friends death until Serios the. Charge. Y/n then was hit but he then smash her. Serios then backs up.

Y/n: " You think you can defeat me. I am stronger if you can kill me."

Serios: " Demon of hell I'll bring you to the light and in prison you for an entirety!!!"

Serios slash him and slash him again until Y/n bash her to the wall. Y/n then grabs her until she got out her dagger. She then cuts the hand where Y/n has the ring.

Y/n: " Nooooo!!!!! My Ring!!!!!"

His fingers falls off while the ring was then dropped. It then dropped by a old man. He then looks at it and hears whispers. The old man then wanted it to liberate from the church. Y/n then exploded while everyone fells down. Elrond then went to Serios to help her.

Elrond: " Are you ok?"

Serios then gets up.

Serios: " I'm fine but what about the dark lord."

Elrond and Serios then looks at the helmet of Y/n that is defeated.

Serios: " It has been done. The Dark Lord Y/n is dead and the monsters are retreating."

Elrond: " No he's not dead. We need to find his ring and finish this."

Serios: " I'm sorry but it's only a ring. What is very important about it?"

Elrond: " His Ring is his souls. We need to destroy it at mount doom."

Serios: Forgive me but we need to go now. We can build forts so no monster will come."

Serios then left until Elrond warns her.

Elrond: " You will know in the future. Fódlan is doom."

About 2 years ago. A man named Nemesis launched a rebellion against the church until Serios defeated him. She's stabs him a lot of times until he died. She then notice a gold ring and whispers. She then took it to somewhere, where no one will ever take it or stole it.

Many years later

In Mordor a new leader came. D/n ( Your daughter's name) became leader of Mordor. Her army is now building up. She wanted her own thing and make her huge army. She wanted to be the best leader like her father but he was the ring of power. It was then in the tomb a orc named Ratbag who is a failure. He then grumbling to himself about his leadership until black fire came. It then forms up to be a human size armor man. He then stretch his Ames until he walked to the orc.

???: " You there who are you and what year is it?"

Ratbag: " Ohh it's Ratbag I don't really don't know what year is it."

???: " *Sigh* Well I guess I should just go back to my tower."

As Y/n was about to leave. Ratbag then unsheathe his weapon and blocks his path.

Ratbag: " Hold a minute!!! This my chance that I could be better."

???: " *Sigh* Really Ohh yeah I forgot. Look if you know I was Y/n the Dark Lord with the amor on and a big mace."

Ratbag: " You day you are the Dark Lord. Ha show me some proof."

Y/n then turns into his Eye Spirit with his armor with the middle. Ratbag then bows down fast to see his master is here.

Ratbag: " Ohhh my orc Uhh master it's nice to see you hahaha."

Y/n: " Tell me what happened here?"

Ratbag: " Well your armies are well with your daughter. She's well got and basically well she has hehehehehe."

Y/n: " You got to be kidding me. Well is my daughter with me or not."

Ratbag: " Well uhhhh she's kinda on her own. Look I kept red because some orcs still loyal to you while some just joins her. Look her armies color is basically dark purple. So really we just fight back until we lost a lot. Now I am alone and the only one."

Y/n: " I see well Ratbag I'll help you and take my power."

Y/n and Ratbag walks out the cave until a orc and Uraks group came. There leader of Goroth who is a urak.

Goroth: " Hey look it's rat bad the traitor!!!"

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Goroth: " Hey look it's rat bad the traitor!!!"

Ratbag: " Hey I have someone you can kick your arse!!!!"

Y/n: " You fight him."

Ratbag: " What why!!!"

Y/n: " You wanted to be a captain well you get one."

Ratbag then got out his sword while Goroth was getting his club. Y/n then uses his magic to make Ratbag powerful. Ratbag then slash Goroth while Goroth tries to hit him. Ratbag then stab him while he was on the ground Ratbag then gets his clubs and beats him with his club. Goroth was then killed while Ratbag roar with victory. The orcs and Uraks where then confused until Ratbag gave them his speech.

Ratbag: " Listen you maggots!!! The master is back and he will bring Mordor to our glory. We will bring Mordor to him and our master will give us what we want!!!"

The orks and Uraks then cheer for the master who now came back from regaining his power. Y/n knows he's back and wanted Mordor.

The Dark Lord in Fódlan ( LOTR X Fire Emblem Threehouses) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu