Life in the Making...

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Life in the Making…


I remember when I was young

I got lost at Disney land

I was frightened by the mascots and all the loud songs

It was then I was found by the ice cream man

He watched over me until my grandma came along

She took me by the hand

She had said right beside her is where I belong

As she told me this her tone made me think she was mad

I then could tell by the look in her eyes she was sad

Yet after finding me, she also seems glad

After thanking the ice cream man we left off straight back to mom and dad

Life in the Making…

Getting Older

As time passes by I find myself getting bolder

As these days get colder

I too have gotten bitter with time

Wishing to find the past and crawl inside and hide

Yes as these times get colder

I too get better as I get older

Life in the Making...

What does the Future Hold?

There you go

I will be right here waiting

All alone

Hoping for what I am craving

I have this hole

But the good times never leave me

I shall never know

What it is that the future holds?

Rhyme and Reason: A poet's favorite seasonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant