Boars and Cattle: The Horrors of life we must battle

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Cattle and Concrete

As the rich get richer and the poor begins to fill,

The middle class strive to get ahead but are left at a standstill,

Life is a Bitch and if your lucky you might marry one,

Meanwhile the taste of gunmetal lingers on desperate tongues,

Most are tempted by the trigger as their eyesight goes red,

Those tired of life rest soon after the penatration of lead,

Then there are the rest of us; Cattle starving for green,

There are few ways to get ahead in this world of Concrete

Love and War

What's in a name?

Is it who a man was or what he became?

What happened to our childhood games?

No more hide and seek, times have changed.

We are thrown into a world so strange.

In this war for survival, we are left estranged.

Our gilded moments have all but gone away.

The lines between us have been laid

We now walk separate paths day by day

Is this love? I dare not say.

We are careened to slave for minimum wage.

Struggling until we meet our grave,

These are the times of a deserate man.

There is one place for us in these new world plans.

We the people; sacrificial lambs,

We are nothing, cattle to these corporate boars.

Who says all is fair in love and war?

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