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Ignorance the woes you are the world

Innocence stolen from the youth

Fucked you are whores, legs unfurled

Tucked broken, lies cover the truth

Humanity begotten chaos

From the start infancy a mistake

Vanity forgotten not

Until the end, litany of bigots and fakes

Sodimize the saints

who speak not of salvation

Sleep, as murderous paints

Spill over this nation

Amoral am I

Council for the bawdy

knowing truly, genocide

never hurt anybody

Cleanse the Filth

Burning hues of vibrant yellow and red

Destruction comes to this world in the form of humanity

Never-ending chaos and dread

As we construct ourselves as fallen angels to create vanity

Where is the truth

Where is the end

Gone it is here

under the flesh

Decaying meat

The truth is death

When I ask


Will we be wiped clean by sweet oblivion

Please Bleach free the stain of life

When will we become silence

When will you see hindsight

Let corpses litter the ground

The world needs its sleep

Let her live or burn in peace

When will it end

When I ask


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