chapter 16 two legends

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Creed was sitting at the table eating with the others when Remu screeched and landed on a small branch just outside the door " excuse me guys" he said as he's getting up. Walking to Remu " what's wrong Remu?" He asked the bird, Remu chirps and flies inside, Creed walks up to this office "great job watching the door you two, grabbing the doorknob, turning the knob and walking inside Remu comes in and lands on a perch on the right side of his desk. Maps and notes spread across his desk, Creed walks past his desk and pushes open double doors walks out to a small patio, and looks up at the stars. Remu flies over and lands on the railing and begins cleaning himself, moments later Remu's head snaps up towards the horizon. Creed looks at him " what is it Remu?" He asked the bird screeched and flies off, he was cut off by a loud piercing howl echoing through the air that's not a normal howl he thought, he whistles Remu flies in chirping " WOLFPACKS AND FANG LETS GO!!" Creed yells.

Midnight, Elphia and Fang lookup about the time they hear the piercing howl midnight looked at the townsman " excuse us, sir we must go, we will be back." She says " that's fine we will be right here when you all get back!" The man replied. They get up from the table and run towards Creed, the townsmen and families watch as wolf's run past making sure to avoid the tables and people. Creed jumps over the railing *crunch* as he lands on the leaves, he takes off running as the others join him, the packs right behind them " Creed what's going on?" Fang asked Creeds' eyes became an eerie yellow " everyone keeps up something is wrong!" He runs faster. The sound of a thousand feet rumbles across the ground as they all ran, the sound getting louder the faster they ran. * Whoosh* * whoosh* the sound of the air as they run past the trees, leaves flying up behind them, the loud howl still ringing through the night.

They get to a small clearing by running water, Creed sees an opening just over a hill and points " that must be where the howl came from!" He says while slowing down, he signals to stop just as they top the hill. "Ok, Midnight you take your pack and take the right side of the mountain. Elphia you take your pack and take the left side of the mountain." As he signals the packs to the side of the mountain he holds Fang back with him and eases up to the edge of the hill slightly overlooking a large archway leading into nothing but ice. Ice walkways, ice doors, and ice tents with platforms lining each mountainside. He then hears battle drums being pounded, fighting in the distance. He focuses farther into the ice land and sees Saku and a seven or eight-foot-tall troll with huge arms and hands. That must be the one that the figure called father he thought, he watched as Saku fought against the ice king. He was also watching the other trolls making sure they didn't do anything rash, he thought he saw about ten trolls move closer to the fight so he was going to signal a for a three-way attack when he saw Saku's arm become a solid ice weapon. When the ice king fell Creed grinned I knew he had that in him somewhere he thought, he saw one of the trolls bring a double-sided spear to him. The troll got down on a knee with arms outstretched above his head with the spear. Saku looked up saw Creed and motioned for him and everyone else that was with him into the icy plain, he whistled putting his hand up and made a circular motion. Meaning he just told the packs it was safe to come down " come on Fang let's meet the others in the opening.

As Elphia and her pack came down so did Midnights, Saku walked over towards Creed and some of the small ice trolls came running spears in hand Saku held a hand up in a fist. The trolls stopped dead in their tracks, he turned around and said:" anyone of you messes with my friends, my family right here, the wrong way and I will make sure you don't do it again!" The trolls put their spears down walked over to the entrance and stood there as if protecting Saku and the rest of the group. He turned back around as the trolls walked past " ok so now apparently I am known as the ice king to them, once I beat the s.o.b, I claimed the throne seat." Saku continued Midnight looked at him and asked" what is going on with your arm?" He looked down and replied" oh yeah, my arm, so apparently, while I was fighting him something happened when I stepped on that pad it was like a force of power came over me. My arm tattoo here like it was solid ice that couldn't be broke, and it was like everything else just paused but me and him."

About the time Saku got done the tribes' shaman walked up to him held out his hands and grunted, Saku handing shaman his hand. He began looking over Saku's arm, grunts, puffs, and then taps on his arm. Saku's arm tattoo lights up again this time with a small humming sound, " what is this shaman?" Saku asked. The shaman replies" this is the Iceo iceflame hammer a very rare type Saku, but because you beat the ice king this Iceo hammer is a declaration form from the ice tribes themselves. And because of this Iceo hammer Saku you have now become the leader of the ice tribes!" Saku spaced out "oh sorry you were saying?" Shaman grunts, and began to turn around when Saku continued" oh would you relax grumpy I was messing with you. Wait..... You said that I'm in control of all the ice tribes now?" He asked the shaman replies with a head nod. So Saku turns around to see all of the ice trolls that were in the area all down on their knees saying in unison " all hail ice king!" Saku walks over to the platform, raises the spear and it turns into an ice staff with a crystal ball in the top, the troll stand, and begin to cheer and applaud. " MY NEWLY FOUND FRIENDS; TODAY YOU ARE FREE, TODAY YOU WILL HAVE A LIFE OF YOUR OWN. TO MAKE LANDS AGAIN, FAMILIES, LIVE YOUR LIFE AS LONG AS YOU CAN!" Saku hollered over the applauding. The shaman and a few of the trolls walked up to Saku and stopped just before they reached the step, got down on one knee, and held up an object " king Saku please take this, whenever you need us we will be there as fast as we can!" One of them said to Saku. Creed, Fang, Midnight, and Elphia just stands in shock. Creed nudges Midnight " bet you would've never thought Saku would be like a king." She nodded in agreement.

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