chapter 8 eerie town

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Midnight began closing the windows and was about to close the doors when a man and woman walked up. " Are you the ones that are going to save this town, there's a lot of good people here that are just scared for our lives. These men that you see looking at you they have weapons at the back of their stores, we heard them say that when they hear the signal they are going to kill you then everyone else here. They have already burned a family alive in the field over there." As they barely pointed trying not to be seen. Midnight looked towards the field and saw some bones, looking away fighting back the tears" how long ago was that when it happened?" She asked them, but noticing how scared they were " please come in and have supper with us !" She offered. The couple quickly walked in sat down as Midnight closed the double doors, as she walked to the table the couple asked: " How safe is this building that you have made?" Fang walked back around from the backroom put his hand on Midnights shoulder " Notes been sent to Creed and Saku saying we may be in trouble here!" He whispered to her. He heard the question that was asked: " No one can hear anything on the outside even if they have something pressed against the door!" He responded.

The couple proceeded on telling them how long it was " It was about 10 years ago right after the ice trolls came here, the trolls had laid waste to the town and forced everyone into hiding. One couple that had kids stepped out of their house and up to one of the ice trolls and told them that they cannot be making a mess or a disaster zone out of the town. The troll spoke some language and more of them things showed up, grabbed the whole family, and tied them up together on a tall post. They had hay or some fast-burning liquid leading away from the pole, the family was crying and screaming please no. The one that was calling the orders snapped his finger and two guys came up with a torch, both laughing historically as one put the torch down and lit the liquid on fire." Tears wailing up in Midnight's and the couple's eyes. Through the sniffles and sobbing, you can hear them say " I can still hear the screams and the children's cries ringing throughout the night !" Fang fighting to hold back tears of anger as well as sadness " Where are the two guys at now?" He asked the couple as they looked up at the man and pointed outside " Them sorry SOB's are still here, outside waiting for a reason to do it again!" The guy hollered Fang raised his hands signaling the guy to calm down, the couple started to get irate so Midnight stood up made her eyes turn and said " We was being nice and allowed you to come in here, sit down, relax without being watched, and tell us what is going on. NOT to come in here and jump down our throats, so you can either chill or don't let the door hit you on the way out!" Midnight growled.

Fang looked at her don't want to piss her off he thought. The couple was shocked, but then got recollected " your right we're sorry it's just that the longer they stay here the more scared everyone gets and stays in their house." Fang nods and tells the couple" It's ok we understand we want to help you all, but right now we can't not until we get word about my leader." The couple nods in agreement, gets up and walks to the door" thank you for your time, it's been a while since someone has actually cared." They said before they open the door. Fang and Midnight started talking about how they can get rid of these guys, " wait didn't Creed say that these are not to be trusted with anything around anyone?" He asked Midnight, she shrugged. (knock knock) echoes across the hall they both look at each other " Who in the hell is this at this time of the night?" Midnight asked. As they walked to the door Fang flicked his hand, the hidden blade slides out. Midnight opens the door and sees two of the hunters standing in the doorway with hands-on guns " we don't know you what are you doing here? Why was this building built by weird people? Who are you, people?" They asked. Fang flicks his wrist again the blade slides back up, he walks up " Hey guys how are you doing tonight? Why are you calling us weird people? The only weird people I see are you knocking on our door this late! Does it really matter who we are I mean we are not bothering anyone, so I would appreciate it if you guys went back on about your business and let us rest thank you goodbye!" He told them. The two hunters looked at each other, turned and walked off as Midnight closed the doors, "Where are they at Fang? I'm starting to get a little worried!" She asked. He walks over to a chair and plops down " where is my bird? I sent him out with a note to Creed." He said. They heard a small *ding* from the back of the building, as he got up creeds eagle flew in and landed on his perch " what is it Remu? What's going on?" He asked. Remu chirps and looks down, there was a small rolled-up note tied to his foot. Fang grabs the note unrolled it and reads it" Fang, Midnight we are heading back stay ready there are hunters in your location!" He flipped it over " I got your note just stay ready something is going to happen!" He waves at the bird after he gives the bird a treat, Remu flies out the small bird door under the trees so the hunters don't see him once he's far enough away Remu gets higher and out of sight.

About the time Remu gets higher *knock knock* echos across the quiet and empty main hall in the chapel, the knocks get more frequent then become more like frantic pounds. Fang is woke up by the pounding who in the hell is pounding on my damn door he thought, he walks through the doorway that has an arch, lights two candles by the front door looks out the peephole then opens a small sliding door that was just big enough for someone on the outside to see the eyes or mouth. " Who the hell are you? What the hell do you want?" He barked, the figure outside leaned in and spoke through the slot" please you and your friends have to help us, the guys are dragging a family out because they said that they couldn't do something, please help they are going to burn them in the field!" Fang could hear the panic and fear in the voice, closes the slotted door "MIDNIGHT COME HERE QUICK!" He yelled, she came running " what, what is it, what's going on?" She said quickly. He explained what he was just told to Midnight " If we are going to help these people I think now would be the time. We can't let them burn another family, not while we are here, Creed would want to save these people right?" He said and asked himself out loud. Midnight looked at him and said, " look if we do this we have to do it silently no noise!" They walked out a side door that was made for the wolf pack leading into a small wooded area with a creek running through it, the woods that they were in overlooked the field the family was in. They walked up the edge of a small 10-foot drop, crouched down, and waited for the right moment. Wait this doesn't feel right Fang thought " Midnight where is the pack at?" She thought for a few minutes " asleep, and where are the guards you think there would be guard if they were burning a family. " she replied. Fang turned around and tried to focus on the front of the chapel once he was able to focus, he didn't like what he saw.

The townsmen were trying to get into the doors of the chapel, " Midnight we have a problem, look." He pointed at the front of the building, she looked and let off an eerie howl the townsmen heard the howl and took off running into their houses ( slam, slam, creak shut, slam) they heard the townsmen closing doors and windows. They were walking back down the hill when they heard voices coming up from the side, Fang grabbed Midnight's arm" get over here, quick hide" as they ducked into a thick shrubby bush. Just as two hunter guards came walking by" I could've sworn I heard something come from this area" one of them said to the other. Fang saw a small round rock beside him he picked it up and threw it away from where they were hiding, the guards turned around quickly and ran to where the rock bounced and went into the water. As the guards were at the water Fang and Midnight took off while in a crouch trying not to make a lot of noise, they get to the side door and jump inside just as the guards turn back around. "That was too close," Fang said quietly, (BANG! BANG! BANG!) continues to echos across the main hall. Midnight looked at Fang " we have to wake the others quietly just in case they break through the door" she told him as she pointed for him to go right while she went left. Fang opens one door to a long hallway and flipped a switch on the right side of the door (the only electrical in this building is a low red buzzer indicating danger). The doors flung open and Midnights pack emerges from the room" hunters are trying to break into the chapel either stand and fight or go to the underground bunker, and we'll fight when Creed gets here!" He tells them. They instantly took off the bunker " we'll have a better chance of survival with you, Creed, and Saku standing with us!" One of them said while walking past him.

He sprints down the long hallway looking in each room as he passes, fang turns, and sees Midnight running towards him" ok I have all 100 on the left side! What about you?" She asked him. " All 100 from this side too 50 each of the halls! Are the ones going to stand and fight? Or are they going to the bunker too?" He replies. As they walk fast to the bunker " they are going to the bunker also." She told him, Fang had a feeling and told Midnight " we may want to double-time it to the bunker so we can have it closed and locked!" So they ran. They got to the door opened it, closed the locked it, and about the time the main hall doors flung open" SEARCH EVERYWHERE!" One of the guards yelled. Midnight her pack and Fang were listening through the vent in the wall, they heard the tables being turned over, glass being broke, things breaking. Fang's eyes began changing when Midnight put her hand on his shoulder " calm down Fang, if you go out there you will be torn apart. I know it sucks to hear all our hard work being broke and trashed, but there is nothing we can do right now!" She whispered to him. He sighed and nodded, and tried to relax even with the sound of everything being destroyed. " Nothing and no one is here sir" one the of guards said to a more bulky, smelly, heavyset guard. Fang looked through the slot in the vent and saw the more heavyset guard, " That must be the leader or the chief " he said quietly, little did he know that the heavyset guard was second in command. After about 30 minutes went by they left " Make sure no one comes in or out of this place, I'm going to make this my new home" he told another guard as they left.

The Last Hybrids Realm (Book 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz