chapter 7 new temple

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While Creed and Saku were away Fang has been busy building on to the corridor, making a living hall. This hall had living quarters, a cooking spot, an office for Creed being that he was the master assassin. Midnight came by looking for Creed and Saku, " they are out on a guest right now sorry." Fang told her " Ok would you like some help? You look like a wolf hybrid, what's your name?" midnight asked. As Fang is going over the drawings he made of the temple he told midnight his name. "Nice, so what's your story? You know how did you become who you are today? How did Creed find you?" As they worked on the living quarters first Fang began telling midnight his story. " As a teen I witnessed my only family, my father, hang. I then ran as far as I could only to be picked up by strange cloaked men, they taught me things I could never imagine doing. At 17 I became guild leader of thieves, at 20 I was betrayed by one of my best men and left in the shadows to die from my wounds due to a job gone wrong." Midnight sighed and shook her head, Fang continued." As I laid there dying a wolf appeared to me and claimed to be my father's spirit. I blacked out from pain and woke up in a strange place filled with what seemed to be natives. One steps to my side and tells me that he is the last of his pack and explained that he is no ordinary person. The natives taught me how to hunt, use the shadows as cover, and how to enhance my senses, weeks had passed and the chief offers one final lesson, the way of the wolf, but in accepting this lesson I must leave the old me behind this Fang was born. As I left the tribe I was offered nothing but a grey cloak, and a hidden blade, I grew a set of wolf teeth that allowed me the ability to manipulate the shadows around the wearer for enhanced stealth. My last day I was told that there were more secrets to it and only a few that can possess these type of teeth." Midnight stood there in the doorway with the look of shock on her face, Fang stopped working and looked over at midnight" yeah I know it was crazy! We gotta get this done midnight, come on." He said. They had finished the living quarters, midnight started on the cooking spot and fang started Creeds' office. Hours passed and still no word from Creed or Saku, midnight was just about done with the cooking spot. There a cooking pit with chairs, a table, candle lighting all around, and some weapon racks. She thought. Fang had some extra wood from the townsmen so he decided that he was going to make a large creed symbol to put up inside the office. " Hey, Fang what if we make a wolf's emblem next to another creed emblem right here in the main hall, as everyone walks in they see them." Midnight said. Fang stood in the main hall looked up and began thinking about how it would look, " yes let's do it!" He agrees. Midnight starts on the outline for the wolf's emblem and Fang starts on the creeds emblem, Fang gets done walks over to midnight " hey you need any help?" Midnight shakes her head no and mumbles " I got it thanks". He turns and walks back into the hall, moments later midnight and two others walk in. Fang puts the creed emblem on the left side of a woodblock that was hanging on the wall and midnight puts the wolf emblem on the right side. Something is missing Fang thought midnight looks up " what if we put ' you mess with the Creed you get the pack ' " Midnight suggested, Fang nods in agreement. " Where would we put it Midnight? He asked she pointed and said, " you mess with the Creed on this side, and you get the pack on that side!" He nods and gets to work while Midnight walks out and gets more items that they will need, two hours passed and he gets done with the words. Midnight and a few others from the pact walk in with perches, he looks over " ah perches for the birds good thinking!" He tells her.

After they get the perches up where they needed them, they work on getting the letters up. Just getting those up took what seemed like hours, for the reason they had to make sure they were perfectly centered and straight. Fang, midnight and the pact stepped back to the double doors and looked around, all looked at each other and nodded in agreement with the huge accomplishment that had just taken place. " Not bad for three days of work not bad at all!" Fang told everyone, midnight grins looking at her masterpiece hanging beautifully on the wall " You think Creed and Saku will like what we all done here?" Fang looked at her " I'm almost certain that they will absolutely love it, if not then there is something wrong with them" he told her. One of midnights pact members came up to the side and whispered in her ear, " really?" She replied. The member nodded, she stepped beside Fang " we have some people watching us, they have been for a while now!" He looks out and sees a townsman with a broom sweeping a small porch, a blacksmith sharpening a sword with the grinding wheel and five store owners standing around waiting for someone to go into their stores. While the store owners were standing around the were talking with a few of the townsfolk and looking over at Fang, midnight, and the pack. There is something oddly eerie about these people he thought, he then saw one guy with a woman and little girl rushing through a door. Fang turned around and said, " I have to send my bird out and warn Creed and Saku that we have a situation here!" In midnights ear. She nodded " do that discreetly we don't need these guys finding out exactly what we are!" He nodded and walked down the hall through a set of doors, a sharp turn left through another set of doors, turning down a hallway walked roughly 25 steps turned left and into a set of heavy doors. The hidden room away from all forms of sight that had a small door halfway up the wall, just big enough for an eagle sized bird.

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