chapter 2 trust

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Within five days, Saku awoke from the healing elixir he took from Zio. Creed sat next to the fire sharpening his blade with a rock, Saku looked over at the sound of metal scraping. " How long have I been out for Creed?" he looked up towards Saku "five days!" Saku sat up and looked over his wounds " wow, that elixir stuff worked!" As Saku was looking over his injuries, he noticed ice where he was lying at, "what happened when I was out?" Creed looked down at the ice "I have no idea; all I know is you started moving around and punching the air. I don't know what you were dreaming about, but you spoke native; your eyes opened for a moment and were ice blue!" "Ice blue, huh?" Saku asked.

Saku tried to recollect the past few years he'd been fighting and recalled his battle with the mythical ice trolls. He began telling Creed his history and about the struggles he's been in. "When I was in Iceland's battling fields, fighting the ice trolls, they weren't that big, but they were powerful. They spoke this weird language that I didn't understand until I saw ice hurling my way. As I jumped away, an ice troll jumped in front of me. When thing touched me, Creed, it touched me on my back, and I felt something weird instantly." As Creed sat listening, he asked, "what did you feel, Saku?" " I felt my insides freezing. I winced in pain and fell over. But, I stuck my blade into the ice troll that had touched me, and it snapped." Saku kept telling the story as Creed sat listening to him. Once Saku was done, he started going through his bag. He had coins, a healing potion, and a couple of other items he had picked from the dead. "Do you have anything I can sharpen this sword with?" Creed handed him a stone " Go with the angle of the blade, or you'll dull your blade!"

Creed got up, went into his tent, got into a box, and came out with another hidden blade. "DO NOT break this one even if it's made better than the junk you had before!" " So, does this mean that you're beginning to trust me, Creed?" Saku asked " Maybe, I will have to take you on a couple of quests with me before I do. I have to make sure you're not going to turn on me and that you're reliable." Creed responded. Saku began wondering when there was going to be a mission or a quest. Moments later Remu flew in landed on a small log next to him as he grabbed a note, Creed said, " Saku, let's go! We have a quest, and there's an artifact we have to collect!" As they began gathering their things needed for the quest, Saku put his new blade on " So if I have ice abilities can I use them on this quest?" he asked creed " if it calls for it, then yes, but if you freeze me I will break you!" Creed barked at Saku.

They began to leave when Creed whistled, and Remu, his eagle, came swooping down and landed on Creed's forearm. He put a note tied with a string on the eagle's foot " Get this to Midnight fast!" he whispered to the eagle. The eagle chirps and leaves. " come on, Saku, we have to leave now!" They both leave and headed east towards their objective; about one day, they arrive at the location and spoke to a townsman to find the object Creed was told about, "The item you are looking for is under the old chapel over there." the townsman pointed and told Creed. Creed and Saku head towards the old chapel, "Show me what u can do, Saku ice!" As he pointed toward an unknown guard just passed the door, " how can you see the guard?" Saku asked. "Soon, if you prove loyal to the brotherhood, you too will get your own bird," Creed replied.

Saku then remembered what Creed had told him "when you have your own bird, and you connect, you will get eagle vision!" Creed stood next to the door while Saku put his hand on the door and attempted to turn the knob "it's locked," he whispered to Creed. He nodded to Saku, and he froze the lock, Saku then kicked the door and knocked the guard down with an echoing through the quiet chapel. Two more guards came out from around a corner, Saku disappeared and came up behind the guards. Just before Creed could throw a knife, Saku already had them both down. " quick and quiet just like an assassin, good job, Saku," Creed said. They both proceeded down the corridor towards another door leading downstairs into a basement. " Let me handle this, Creed," Saku said. He placed his hand on the floor just outside the door, and the floor froze inward. 'thump, thump, thump, crash' Saku opened the door. The guards are knocked out cold at the bottom of the stairs. The floor already thawed from Saku's ice trick. As they walk downstairs, they come to an open room with a small chest in the corner.

Creed opens the chest and finds a moon amulet. As they walk up and out of the building, he sees midnight and a group of people walking up. " I got your message, Creed! What do you have that may be of use to me?" Creed hands the amulet to midnight, the look of surprise came across her face " you found it!!" midnight said. The moon amulet was a creation of old lore, stating that whenever held by an alpha of a wolf pack, the alpha would be able to shift with no harm and be able to stand light. "How did you know where this was? I lost it a decade ago." She asked, " I've got connections, Midnight, and if I told you about them, I wouldn't be an assassin, now would I?" Midnight looked at Creed, smiled, and shook her head no. " So I pretty much did that on my own. Are you going to trust me yet," Saku said to Creed " well, one, your mouth is going to get you slapped, so I suggest you chill; two, yeah, I admit that was pretty good, but you still have more to prove to me Saku!" Creed replied with a Stern tone. Saku apologized, turned, and walked to a tall tree in the chapel.
Midnight looked at Creed, shocked " what his mouth is going to get him in a lot of trouble, he has to learn." Midnight shrugged and walked off.

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