chapter 5 distress call

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Creed walked to the door and unlocked it; Fang and Saku were already standing there, waiting, talking. "Are you ready, Fang?" Creed asked, "Fang walk towards the chalice on the table!" Creed went through the initiation again; Fang was going to be an initiate assassin at first until Creed thought was he going to be ready to advance to the next level. Creed and Saku had already heard Fang's story, and Creed thought, " he's been through enough hardships and trials for me to see he's going to be reliable." After the initiation, Creed repeated what he did after Saku's initiation. Once all the speaking and exercises were done, they walked back up the stairs through the door and outside, "Stay here and help the townsmen, Fang! Saku, come on, we need to go gather supplies." Creed said.

They had just got out of town when he felt a small pinch where his blade was "Ow, what the" he looked down and noticed black pulsing light coming from his blade's gauntlet. He remembered that this must be how he could hear Midnight when she spoke, " This must be tied to her somehow," he thought. The pulsing light got stronger; he started thinking something was wrong. He was right there was a high-pitched cry in the distance; this was no ordinary cry though. The pulsing light stopped and lit up brighter " Oh no, that's Midnight's cry; Saku, let's go now." Creed said as they took off at a full run; the longer he and Saku ran, the faster they got, faster than they had ever ran before. The cry became eerily louder, stronger like someone was being stabbed repeatedly. Creed made a different sound of a whistle; above them, he heard Remu screech looked up and saw him fly off. The cry had stopped temporarily, and so had they, as the howling cry had stopped.

The wind blowing leaves rustling with the breeze. Creed bent to a knee and moved some leaves around as if to get some clue as to what was happening. Saku heard a twig snap just beyond a tree; Creed heard it too, he snapped up, and Saku drew his sword. " Who's there" Saku hollered; they heard a sinister laugh " Your wolf is dead; I made sure of it." A man walked out with the wolf's fur around his neck along with blood stains; Creed saw the fur and began to get upset " If you di......." He started to say to the man. Saku looked closer and saw a large footprint in the mud " Creed, that's not midnights fur; it's gray; hers is black; she is still alive but hurt again!" He whispered to Creed. He looked and saw that Saku was right, so he called the man's bluff. " Then I will kill you and the blue-eyed freak beside you," the man said. Creed smirked, " Yeah, ok, I'd like to see you try to kill us. Do you even know who or what we are?" He asked the large man.
" Haha, like I give a damn what or who you are, I will kill you anyway, take everything you have, and use your skulls for candle holders." He told Creed and Saku. "Another hunter," he mouthed to Saku; as the hunter was pulling out his rifle, Creed threw a knife into the barrel " SAKU NOW" Creed yelled. He ran toward the hunter hoping to cut him in half; as his blade came around, the hunter stopped him with a sword of his own. The sound of swords slamming together rang through the air as Saku and the hunter swung their swords; Creed runs around to catch the hunter off guard. However, he is confronted by another hunter with a curved blade; he ducks, slides on the leaves, and kicks the hunter in the knees. As he falls to the ground, he screams in pain, " I see I can't kill you with a sword, so I'll just have to beat you to death!" The hunter tells Creed.

The hunter launched the sword toward Saku " Saku, watch out!" He threw his hand up as the sword spun towards his chest, freezing the sword in mid-air. Saku had kicked the first hunter in the gut, making him stumble away before the sword got to him. Creed looks down again to see the blacklight lighting back up. He jumps and throws a heavy punch at the hunter's face. "Ow," says the hunter as he spins to the ground from the punch and blood coming from his mouth. "You're going to pay for that," he says as he's spitting out teeth. Creed grins in disbelief. He lunges at Creed, fist balled up. He moves and punches the hunter again; this time, in between the eye and mouth, the hunter falls and lays still. Creed looks back and sees the first hunter getting tired from being kicked, punched, and knocked down, time and time again. " I said stay" Saku throws an iced fist at the hunter. His eyes widened as he fell with the sound of bones cracking " down," Saku said. Both assassins looked at each other and laughed, " that was fun!" Saku said.

Just as he said that the howling cry rang across the sky " Midnight," they both said and took off towards the sound of the cry. They get closer and see bodies everywhere, hunters and wolves, Creed thought. Saku sees one last hunter standing over Midnight, sword drawn, and he's laughing as they see a trickle of blood on her chest. " You think I'm going to let you sneak up on me, ice assassin?" He turns and faces Saku and Creed, pulls a gun from his belt, and shoots Saku, he tries to get his hands up in time, but the bullet passes through his shoulder. "Saku!!" Creed yells as he falls to the ground in pain, white blood puddling up under his shoulder and back. Creed grabs his knives and throws them one after the other the hunter deflects four out of five, and the fifth knife slams into his chest, forcing him to drop the gun " Who the hell are you?" He asked when he looked at Creed. " I am the master assassin, the Wolfpack protector, the guy that you just pissed off. I am Creed!!" Saku throws the sword up as he walks by and grabs the sword and ducks as the hunters' sword swings. Swoosh, he felt the air from the swing. Creed brings the sword up and slices, his hand falls to the ground, and he turns and plunges the sword through the hunter and his hidden blade to the side. Crunch as the blade goes through the side " Do not mess with my family heathen!" He walks over and picks Saku up" You ok?" He asked, Saku nodded, and they walked over to midnight "are you ok, Midnight?" Saku asked as they unsnapped the bone-crushing bear trap.

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