♛Chptr. 66: Triggered Back♛

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Double Update again! 💜💜💜


"You're the reason he's still breathing.

You live... 

So does he.

You die... 

So does he."


3rd person's POV

After a few moments, Jimin felt Jungkook's hold loosening around him. He felt the heaviness on his shoulder and when he lifted his head up, he actually sees Jungkook's forehead pressed against it. 

Jimin realized that Jungkook just lost consciousness, might be from the overwhelming shock and tiredness of his body.

"It's okay, Jungkook... It'll be okay." He whispered with his still hoarse voice before he grunted and tried his best to lift his body off of the floor to assist Jungkook's weight against him. 

He placed Jungkook on his bed carefully to let the older rest after such a ruckus. He stared at him for a while before he decided to help Jungkook change into some new clothes since he still had splatters of blood on him.

After choosing one of his very loose navy blue shirt that he thought would fit Jungkook and some grey pajamas, he helped Jungkook out of his own clothes and wore the new set of clothes to the latter himself. He did it silently, afraid that he would wake Jungkook up anytime if he didn't.

After he finished taking off the clothes that still smelt like dried up blood almost making him gag, he threw it on his laundry basket on the side of his room. He marched towards his bathroom to get a basin with warm water on it and a small towel before he walked in again on the bed where Jungkook lies.

Jimin sat on the side of his own bed, drenching the clean towel on the basin and twisting it to get off excess water before he stares at Jungkook's appearance. 

Jungkook looked so peaceful yet tired as well. The dark under eyebags that decorate his eyes only a proof of that fact. 

Jimin doesn't know why he felt so sorry. He thought that Jungkook was just doing fine these days without his presence. He didn't think that Jungkook was suffering like him with his own matters. 

He realized that he might've been selfish all this time. He thought that he was the only one hurting. But seeing Jungkook's condition with many of his unanswered questions, he couldn't help but feel like he failed Jungkook greatly.

He should've been there with Jungkook. He should've set aside his feelings and look closer to the older's eyes. He should've seen that dark side that Jungkook keeps within himself.

But how could he do that exactly?

Jungkook didn't even know it himself that a monster lies in wait inside his soul.

"You must be tired, Jungkook-ah..." Jimin voiced out with his shaky voice, his careful hand using the towel to wipe off the little splatters of dried blood on Jungkook's cheek. "I'm so sorry that I didn't see through you. I should've paid more attention... If I did, maybe I would be able to help you with what you're going through."

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