♛Chptr. 37: An Eye for an Eye, Your Body for Your Lie♛ [F]

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"Telling a truth that no one will ever believe is as hard as believing a lie that was told by a liar."


Jimin's POV

I went home exhausted. I was with Yoongi-hyung until at least afternoon and we spent time at that park just staring at the ducks, enjoying the calmness of the place, eating ice creams, but no more talking. I was too afraid to ask another question after what he told me. 

I didn't really go home straight after since I still had to think by myself and find out where everything went wrong so I stayed a bit at some playground without Yoongi-hyung after but nothing really worked. I still went home devastated, not knowing what I did wrong in my past life to deserve this.

I was already lying lazily on the couch just staring at the ceiling when I heard the doorbell ringing. I moved my ass and went off of the couch even though I don't want to but the moment I opened the door I just hoped that I didn't even bother.

"Why--" I was brushed on the side as he just rudely barged in. And I think I don't need to elaborate any more on who I was talking about since there would be no bigger jerk than him. He's already the best at that, ugh.

Mr. Jeon sat on the couch, his legs and arms crossed as if he was some sort of highness wasting his time even going here. He scanned my place with that judging stares and he didn't even bother hiding how disgusted he looked as he scrutinized every part of my living room, a part of my small kitchen, and some of my old furniture.

"So you are telling me... that this is your place?" He asked disappointed as he gave me those stares. I scoffed and rolled my eyes before I closed the door behind me, walking closely in front of the couch where he was sitting.

"Look, if you are here to pick a fight then please choose another day and leave now since I'm not in the mood. I had enough shit for today." I straightly told him without even hesitating if I will offend or make him angry like always since I'm really tired today. I'm not having any of his bullshits so no thanks. He can bore someone with his talk shits.

I marched towards the kitchen and opened the mini fridge that was just about the height of my waist. I wanted to cook myself something but I forgot that I still have three days left before I get my first pay. I've been surviving with the supplies and groceries Namjoon-hyung gave me before and with the little money that I happened to save but I guess for the next two days and now I won't get to eat then.

Just as I am about to walk in my room after closing the fridge with a soft thud, I was suddenly lifted mid-air. I felt my ass touching the tiles of the kitchen counter and the moment I knew it, Mr. Jeon was already in between my legs, his arms still rested on the side of my waist. 

Just what the fuck is he doing?!

"What do you think you're doing, Mr. Jeon?!" I yelled at him but he didn't say anything. He just plastered his blank expression and I couldn't read his mind at all. Not like I can before but still! Don't I deserve an explanation on why he keeps on doing the things I never wanted him to do?!

"Shut up, you're too noisy." He ordered and I gulped. He used that voice again that always make me follow him and I swear I am so tired of being like this with him.

He didn't move away and instead, he fished out something from his pocket which looked like a small box of an ointment. He grabbed my left arm and I tried to withdraw it but with just a single glare and his tight grip on it, I find myself behaving like an obedient dog. 

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