Adios to Los Amigos

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I start to slowly sneak out of the village. Only to be stopped by a pinkette.

"Your leaving?" She asks.

"I need to get stronger. If your going to stop me the-"

"I'm not. I wanna go with you Baka."

"Well... uh.. we have to walk through a volcano.."

"So" she says blandly.

"Fine. What about Natsu. I don't want him to feel left out being the only hell child left out and all." I say back.

"He'll find us and you know it." Kiyomi brushes it off.

We head out of the village and towards a place I've seen many times in the anime. The woods are so thick by the time you get close to the place your all cut up. Maybe that works to there advantage.

Suddenly a kunai flys in my direction. Fast. I dodge and throw one back from where it came. I hear the clash of metal and metal and some one jumping to the ground. Then footsteps getting closer to me and Kiyomi. Then I hear chewing. Deidei. I also hear wood clanking together. Sasori.

"Deidara, Sasori. Come out here. We want to join the akatsuki. We mean you no harm. No offense but I have no intention of seeing your art up close." I say calmly.

"How do you know my name, un." Deidara says coming out from hiding.

"I know everything. No need to question me." I start. "I want to be an akatsuki member to become more powerful, I agree to any orders that you would give me and I can show you my powers here."

"Then show us before you're recruited." Sasori says.

Me and Kiyomi look at each other and nod. My hair turns red and hers white. We summon our wolves and turn to Deidei and Sasori. "Here's our art." We say in sinc.

The two of us move in perfect sinc with every move and step and swing. Knocking Sassy and Deidei back was almost too easy. Our wolves were also moving in sinc. With every move our arms made light shone through the night sky. Kind of like if you wave a glow stick around.

It made our moves seem faster but also somewhat predictable. Giving the enemy a false sense of security. Then after a while. When the enemy's start to read our moves. We turn the lights off. We also quicken and change our moves.

Eventually Deidei and Sassy call it off and agree to take us to leader-'sama?'. We take one step into the hide out and immediately.


"P-P-P-P-PRINCESS!!!!! IM A FUCKING QUEEN BITCH! HAIL BEFORE ME AND KISS MY FEET-!" I scream an Kiyomi cuts me off by slapping the back if my head. "I'M PREGNANT!" I yell by accident.

Everyone looks at me weird "Not really. I just say that sometimes." I say. I look over to the corner and see Itachi.

"Hey it's a jumbo Sasuke!" I hear Kiyomi yell.

"His names Itachi, duh." I tell Kiyomi.

"Who's that"

"That's hidan. He cusses a lot. He's also in love with Jashin-'sama?'"

"And that?"

"Tobi. He's actually really powerful"

"Ok how 'bout him"

"That's Kisame. I bet bet he tastes like sushi.".

"And that one"

Kiyomi continues to point and I answer. Everyone looks at us in awe prolly cause I know all there names.

"Here you go. I have a gift for all y'all mother truckers." I say and throw spoons with there faces on them to them. It's not gold so there not as important as my Gaara spoon. MY PRECIOUS!

"I like her leader-sama! Can we keep her? Please!!?" Tobi begs with his arms waving all over the place.

"Yes I'm sure if Deidara and Sasori brought her here she must have good qualities."

"WHAT ABOUT ME?!?" Kiyomi asks.

"Yeah, sure. I'll show you to your rooms." Paper girl says.

Well this is gunna be fun.

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