Fight Fight Fight

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The people went on to explain that there were too many people and we had to have a preliminary round. This time Kabuto stayed. I wonder why. Anyway there was also two super ugly guys with butt butt green hair. And a couple more competitors. I wonder why. Oh yeah were here.

Anyways Natsu ended up fighting Kabuto. Kabuto forfeited during the match. From the looks of it they were about an even match. The usual characters fought there usual opponents. Some of the extras fought each other. Then me.

I had to fight on of the butt butt ugly ones. I was fine with it but from the looks of it he had a poo ton of chakra.

Link start.

Oops, wrong anime.

We sat there in the field thing examining each other for a while. I ended that by throwing a spoon at him.

"FIGHT ME! COME AT ME! GIVE ME A HUG!" I scream powering up. I start to use my chakra to walk on the air. Yup I'm a pro. I walk over to him and throw a poo ton of kunais at him. He gets pinned down on the ground and I do an epic juitsu.

"KA-ME-HA-ME-HAAA!" I scream and shoot him with my ultimate juitsu. I didn't use enough force to kill him but he is hurt. "HAAHAH mother fucker" I say.

Next Kiyomi goes against the other butt butt ugly guy. "Hello!" She says and smiles. Then the guy (obviously a lonely nerd) passes out from a nose bleed.

The rounds are finished so I find Gaara and congratulate him.

"Gaara bae!" I scream and wave.

"Asuna." He says and almost smiles. I know it. I can feel it. Haha that's what she said. "Asuna?" He says waving his hand in front of my face. Oops I blanked out

"Gaara. You should have went easier on poor little Rock Lee. After all he is in love with me." I say wondering what his reaction would be.

He tightens his fist and looks angry. AWE so cute! "Then I should have killed him." He mumbles. He thought I didn't hear. Haha. No.

"Awe. Gaara it's ok, babe. I only like jinchūriki's." I smile and hug Gaara. Best. Day. Ever.

"I'm not jealous." He says a tint of pink staining his cheeks.

"I never said you were, you just told me, though." I say he mumbles something 'bout something whilst I walk away. Hahahaha. I have to train.

(A/n filler chapter so it's really short I'm really sorry the next chapter will be awesome. Sorry again)

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