Locker Trouble

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The second quarter of the school year starts today. I really don't want to go. For starters, my mom was just in a car accident and passed away a month ago and I have no dad. Secondly, I have no friends, in fact it's the opposite. People at my school make fun of me because of my hair.

My hair is super long, and super purple, and my eyes are teal. I'm really short for my age, about 4 feet 4 inches tall. I've been sent to the principal tons of times and told to 'not dye my hair anymore!' but I don't. My mom had purple hair too, but she dyed it black.

I wake up, get in the shower, and get dressed. I put on the required outfit. A black and red over coat, and a grey plaid skirt. I have to find a way to match it to my hair so I put on purple leggings. I walk down stairs and see that my aunt made breakfast and my cousins are eating. I sit down at the table and wait for some food.

"Why are you sitting down. You're going to be late little girl. You have to walk to school." My aunt tells me.

I nod and grab my stuff. I walk out the door and it's still dark. I sigh and start my 2 mile journey. My cousins don't have to walk and they have time for breakfast. I feel like Cinderella, except she actually got a break. Half way there the sun starts to come up. A few kids who are also outside see me and run up to me.

"Well if it isn't little Miss purple pants!" a snooty boy yells. I'm not wearing pants, it's a skirt, and it's not purple but I understand what he's trying to say.

"Yeah! Yeah, and she looks stupid as ever today. Why didn't you dye your hair red if you knew the uniform was red idiot!" The boy next to him yells. Mostly because I didn't dye it jackass. I wouldn't even if my aunt bought me the dye. It reminds me of my mom.

"You're faker than a Barbie doll and you still look ugly!" The only girl in the group shouts out. I'm not the one caking my face in makeup. And you act like you don't dye your hair even though the dye gets all over your uniforms.

"Kids! Say goodbye to your friend. We have to get something before I drive you to school." A nice lady yells from the porch of a house.

"Ok mom!" I feel a pang in my chest and start to walk faster. "Bye, ugly bitch!" the blond girl snickers.

If my mom were here, maybe she'd stand up for me because I can't. I can't talk anymore. After my mom died something inside if me flicked off and I just can't talk anymore. My mom used to tell me if you don't react to the bullies, they will stop. But they don't.

I feel a warm stream of tears fall down my face and stop at my chin. 'Mom, why did you lie to me?' I think as more tears flow down my face.


I finally make it to school and I'm not late. I wait two blocks away from the school to avoid confrontation. I found out that one block isn't enough.

The students walk into the school and I follow behind them keeping my distance. Eventually I'm the last one in the school. I make my way to my locker. On the way people push me and laugh and make fun of me. I get to my locker and open it up. While I'm putting my backpack in the locker someone pushes me from behind. I fling into the locker and the door shuts.

I hear the kids fumbling with the lock, while I bang on the locker. Me being as short as I am, there's not such a tight fit in here, so it's not too bad. Soon my hands hurt from banging on the door and I start to silently cry. There's nothing else I can do.

Hours pass by until I hear someone outside walking around. I pound on the locker to get their attention. I hear a slight "wha-" so I bang again. Tears are still flowing down my face. "Is someone in the locker?" I hear the husky voice ask himself. I bang again for a reply. it must be the janitor.

"Hold on I'll get the lock breaker." After about 5 minutes I hear foot steps again. I bang again. I hear his footsteps coming closer to the locker when I hear him ask. "What one is it again?" I bang again hoping it would tell him where I am. I hear scraping against the locker then a grunt and a click. I hear the lock being taken off and the door being opened.

The light outside of the locker makes my eyes burn. I squint until I get used to the light. I step out of the locker and nod to thank him. "Are you okay?" he asks. I nod again and tap my wrist to ask what time it is.

"Does your wrist hurt?" he asks. I shake my head and put a puzzled look on my face. I tap my wrist again. "Oh time." He says realizing what I meant. "It's 4:27" he answered. I smile and run to my first hour room.

School ended about an hour ago. My first teacher was still there. I lay my hand in front of me, facing the ceiling. Then I put my other hand over it and run my top hand on my bottom hand, (Like making it rain) to ask for papers. She hands me two pieces of paper and I smile to thank her. Next I go to my second hour and repeat.

After that I start my 2 mile journey back home. Surprisingly I make it home without anybody seeing me. When I get get home I do all of my class work and turn on my TV.

'Time to watch my favorite show' I think to myself. I skip happily to my closet an put on my cosplay costume that I bought with a 100 dollar bill I found on the street one day. I had an anbu black ops mask (fox) and the rest of the uniform. I put my hair down and strap my katana to my back. I also strap my kunai pouch to my waist and put on a leaf head band.

Naruto turns on to an episode I've never seen. My mom is in it. This has to be a dream. "Emilia. Do you want to come with me. To the land of Naruto?" she asks. I nod furiously. I start to cry. "Then say it." No. This isn't a dream. It's a nightmare.

I struggle to say something. Anything. "Uh-huh" is all I could possibly force out. She smiles. "Good enough." She says and laughs. I've missed her laugh and how it always cheered me up. A bright light fills up the room and I black out.

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