Not the Duck Butt!!!

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The battle starts. The battle is taking longer then usual. Between almost every punch they throw they look up at me. I wonder why. Maybe Gaara is talking about me.

Eventually Sasuke awakens the beast. "BLOOD! IM BLEEDING" Gaara screams. Awe poor Gaara. Then shit started to happen. But in a odd order. Sasuke ran away. I jumped down to try to control Gaara's beast. Then the sleeping ninjutsu started. I wasn't effected. Temari and Konkuro started running and left Gaara there. Weird order.

"Gaara!" I scream as I come to his sand cocoon. Theres a small hole in it. I look in and see Gaara curled up. I start to break the sand away until the hole is just big enough for me to fit through. I squeeze in and hug Gaara in the small sand cocoon.

"Asuna get away! I don't want you to get hurt!" He says weakly. He has guilt and fear stained on his face. I pull out my band aids from my pocket and a napkin. Also some neosporen. Cause who doesn't just have neosporen in there back pocket.

I wipe the blood off him with my napkin and put a neosporen band-aid on his for head. "It's ok Gaara were still in the beginning of the series. We still have shippuden to worry about."

He looks at me like I'm crazy. Then he just smiles. Were so close. He leans in and hesitantly kisses me on my lips. "Thank you Asuna." He says.

Omg. Gaara. Just. Kissed. Me? Gaara. Of the sand. Kissed me? "Gaara. I'm glad I met you here. In this world. But I have to leave soon. You may never see me again. I think this is the last time. So please... Never forget me?"

"I promise." Gaara have a sad smile. Then a tear flowed down his cheek. "I... I.. I love you Asuna." He kisses me again and I leave the cocoon.

"Thank you."

Gaara's pov

I kissed her. Twice. I even told her I loved her. But she's still leaving. There's nothing I can do to stop her. I saw it in her eyes. The one person I'll ever love is leaving. She didn't even tell me she loved me back. Maybe she was just messing around when she said it before. I love her though. As cold as people think I may be. I have always longed for love and compassion. I've always wanted to be accepted an wanted. I've always wanted to be like the other kids. The cool kids. That all seem to fit in. This is the way she made me feel. She's always accepted me. She's never been scared of me. Never once has she looked scared. Never once did she care who I was, or rather what's inside me. This is definitely love. True, pure love. One sided or not it was love.


Naruto's pov

Sasuke is gone. There's nothing we can do at the moment. He disappeared. If I hadn't passed out during the fight I would have been able to make him stay. But what was that red chakra. And why did it hurt. And why am I here at the hospital. How did I get here.

"Glad to see your up." I hear Kakashi say.

"Eh, I'm gunna go back to sleep." I say sadly.

"Well do you have time to go to the hokages funereal?" He says.

I snap my head towards his direction. "H-he d-d-died?!" He nods. The old man died. What happened?

"Is there anything else I should know?" I ask not sure if I want to know the answer.

"Asuna and Kiyomi are gone." He says sadly.

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