Steaming hot buns

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"Asuna!" I hear a door close and I walk over to him.

"Yes Kakashi?" I reply.

"Why'd you leave I was talking about tomorrow's mission."

"Because I already know about it. 'Don't eat breakfast!', 'You have a 66 percent chance to fail', 'you'll puke', '5:00' and all that other crap" I mock him.

"How did you know." He asks.

"I know every thing." I give him an evil glare. "Ohhhh Kakashi. I drew something I wanna show you!" I tell him.

"Ok." He says and follows me into my room. I show him my drawing. "Who is this?"

"This is Gaara! My one true loooooo... friend." I say and smile

"You one true what now?"

"My one true.. ummm.. loser friend. Hahah yeah." I'm so sorry lord Gaara

"Sure. Well I'll go make dinner." he says and smiles.

"Kakashi? What's under your mask?" I ask.

"Another mask." He says and takes his mask off.

"I already knew that! I saw that episode!" I shout and cover my mouth.

He looks at me oddly before turning around and leaving my room. Well that was close.

*~Next day~*

Kakashi's gone again. Mhhh. I'm gunna eat breakfast. I walk to the kitchen and make myself some eggs and bacon. After that I fill my poofy pants with apples.

"Good enough!" I say to myself. Wait wasn't I supposed to be there at five. But I woke up at five. Mmmm. Oh well Kaka-Baka is gunna be late too. I better start my walk out to the training place.

On my way there there was this adorable black kitten with one white circle around its eye. "AWEEE!" I'm gonna name it Oreo. "HI OREO!"


"AWEEE!" I scream and sit there playing with the cat for 30 minutes. Oh wait! Damn it.

I scoop up the can and throw it in my back pack. "Come one Oreo were gunna be late!" I say and start to run. This time I'm actually pretty fast and I make it there in about 15 minutes.

"HEY YOUR LATE!" Naruto yells.

"Sorry. A black car crossed my path and..." I get interrupted.

"Sorry I'm late guys. A black cat crossed my path and I had to take the long way." Kakashi says.

"Did you name yours Oreo too?" I ask. Pretending to buy his lame excuse.

"Yeah sure. Anyways. The task is simple. All you have to do is take these bells from me. You have until noon. If you cannot take these bells then you will be tied to the post and won't be aloud to have lunch. Instead you will watch me eat my lunch."

"Wait a minute!" Sakura yells. "There's 4 of us how Come there's only 2 bells!?" Mmm I thought there would be at least three bells.

"Well that's simple. This always at least two of you will have to be tied to the post. There is still a chance that you'll all fail. You can use any weapons. Including shuriken. If your not prepared to kill me you will not succeed."

"Wait a minute. Those weapons are dangerous!" Sakura yells.

Naruto laughs. "Especially since you couldn't even dodge that eraser!"

"Class clowns are usually the weakest links. You can safely ignore them. When I say start you may begin." Kakashi say but is attacked by Naruto.

He easily blocks and reverses the attack. "Don't be in such a hurry. I didn't even say start yet." Naruto grunts trying to get loose from Kakashi's hold. "But you came at me with the full intention of destroying me so, how can I say this. I'm actually starting to like you guys." Kakashi says completely ignoring Naruto's struggles.

"Get ready annnddd, start!" Kakashi says.

Sasuke and Sakura hide. Me and Naruto stay out here. "What's wrong with class clowns?" I ask. "Let's do this together Naruto!" I tell Naruto trying to let him know what to do. Maybe he thinks I still know everything because he actually listens to me.

"Us against you! Right here! Fair and square!" Naruto yells.

"Mmmm. Compared to the others, you two are a bit weird."

"The only thing weird here is your haircut!" me and Naruto say together. We both rush him head on. I take him from the left and Naruto goes from the right. He dodges us.

"Shinobi skills part one: tai juitsu." Kakashi says. Oh holy Jashin he's grabbing his pervy book!

"Why are you reading that book!" Naruto yells.

"Well to find out what happens in the story of course."

"DON'T UNDERESTIMATE ME ONII-CHAN!!" I yell at him. We both rush him again.

"He's gone!" Naruto yells.

"Don't let your enemy get behind you all the time!" Kakashi yells. Nooooo!

"Leaf village secret at art!"

"Naruto get outta there!" Sakura yells.

"NO NARUTO! YOUR STEAMING HOT BUNS!!" I yell. "AND YOUR DIGNITY!" I jump in front of Kakashi's fingers.

"1000 years of death!" he yells and his eye lights up. "Asuna?" He says as he pokes my in the stomach. Making me fly into Naruto. The force sends us both tumbling into the lake.

I stand up. "I'm sorry onii-chan. I had to protect my mans buns. And dignity. Also, What kind of Baka perv pokes another man in the asshole?!" I shout waving my hands.

"What kinda language is that?" he kinda sorta scolds me.

I sigh. "Come on Naruto, we must regroup!" I say and grab his hand leading him into the forest.

"I'm so hungry!" Naruto says.

"Here. Don't tell onii-chan though." I say sifting through my pants and grabbing an apple out for me and him.

We both laugh and eat our apples. "Hey!" we hear Kakashi yell. "I said no eating!" he slaps the apples out of our hands.


"Why is only Naruto and Asuna ties up if none of us got a bell?" Sakura asks.

"Because they tried to eat before everybody else." Kakashi says. The other two got there lunches.

"We would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling kids." I say an start to laugh. "Oh yeah there's no scooby doo here huh?"

"What's a scooby doo?" Sasuke asks.


"Anyways. Did you ever think why we put you into teams?" Kakashi asks.

"Teams?" Sakura says to herself.

"Teamwork you baka's!" I yell.

"Yes. Sasuke you thought everyone was so far beneath you that they would just weigh you down. Sakura all you cared about was Sasuke. The only two who actually got it were the two who are tied up to the posts. Too bad they cheated maybe they could have passed. Those who break the rules are scum" Kakashi said looking at me and Naruto. "but those who abandon their comrades are worse then scum. I'll give you one last chance once your done with your lunch. But of you feed these two you'll be disqualified and pulled from the program." He poofs away.

Naruto and my stomachs growl. Too bad I can't reach in my pocket and grab another apple. "Here." Sasuke says offering me his food.

"But Sasuke. You'll be disqualified. Sakura says. "Here!" Sakura says giving her good to Naruto. "I'm on a diet anyways."

"You'll have to feed me. I can't move my hands." Me and Naruto say at the same times. I say it annoyed but Naruto sounds happy as ever.

"Fine" both of then say shoving food in out mouths. All of the sudden the sky is filled with clouds and Kakashi comes out. "YOUUUU!" He screams.

"Hurry up Kaka-baka!" I say.

"You pass!" he says and smiles. Every one cheers and were all happy! The End.


Finally Fitting In {Naruto fanfic}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora