Class Dismissed Bish

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I wake up in the morning or well the after noon. It's 12:37. I'm too tired to care so I didn't, and decide to go back to sleep.


"Emi!" I feel someone shaking me. "EMI WAKE UP!" I hear Kakashi say.

I wiggle around trying to keep the light away from my face. I pull the blanket over my face and try to sleep again.

"Schools almost over!" He says. I shrug. I sit up and walk around the house until I find a piece of paper and a pencil.

'Listen. I'll go tomorrow. I'm not showing up this late Kaka-baka .' I write down and hand to him. I go and lay back down in my surprisingly comfortable bed.

"Emi! The hokage's gonna yell at us." He tells me. I grab the paper and draw a line from what I wrote before.

'Kakashi. Relax bro. I'm sick as far as he knows. You don't have to worry I'll back you up. I got you onii-chan.' I write and hand to him.

He sighs and leaves. "You win this time Emi. But your going tomorrow." He says and I go back to sleep.

*~next day~*

I wake up at 5:45 in the morning. 'Nooooo!' I yell at my brain. I stand up and put on my ninja outfit and a mask since I don't have my anbu mask. I walk over to Kakashi's room. I stomp my foot on the ground because I know he'll probably attack me if I try to wake him up. It doesn't work so I get closer. I stomp again but louder. 'Come on you bum' I think.

I go up to his bed and shake him. I clap in his ears. Then he grabs me. I wave my arms around like a crazy person as he strangles me practically. He's cuddling me. WTF!? I knew he was a perv but come on now. I try to get out but he's to strong. Baka. This is actually comfortable. NO I HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL!

I slap him in his face. He wakes up with a start.

"Oh Emi how'd you get here." He asks. You know I never really realized. He still wears his mask when he's sleeping. Odd. Odd person.

I grab the paper that I packed in my pouch and a pencil. I write down. 'You idiot! I tried to wake you up but NO! You pulled me in the bed with you like a perv. Hate to break it to ya but were gonna be late again because of you.' I hand him the paper and he reaches up to scratch the back of his neck.

"Sorry 'bout that." he says "Why don't you ever talk to me?" he asks.

I grab the paper out if his hand and write down a simple 'I can't' and left. Then I remembered I forgot my pencil in his room. I open the door and see him getting changed.

I squeal the best I can and try to run out of the room as fast as possible. I smash my head into the door and knock myself out. So elegant. Just yes.


"Kakashi why are you late?" Iruka-sensei asks as he walks me into class late.

"Well you see, Emi here ran into a door and knocked herself out." I nod.

The class sweat drops. "Ok sure. Emi if you would just take a seat next to Sasuke please and thank you. I nod and walk over to Sasuke. Just looking at him makes me want to gouge my eyes out. How could he be so stupid!? I take a seat next to him. All of the girls stare at me, no they glare at me. Great this is gonna be great.

I look around and see Naruto staring at me. I blush slightly before realizing maybe he just remembers me. I sigh and do my work. Copying juitsu, huh? Easy.


After class Sasuke's personal fan club comes up to me. "Stay! Away! From!Sasuke!" Sakura yells. I say nothing. "Did you hear me?" she asks. I just nod. "What, can you not talk or something?!"she yells. I nod and she looks guilty. "Well stay away, he's mine!" she says and walks away I shrug.

I head home and fall asleep again. Fuck the real world dream world is better.


"Emi, I made dinner!" Kaka-baka says. Ooh food, I like food. I sit up and rub my eyes before walking over to the kitchen. A heavenly smell flies through the air making me drool. I find my way to the to the table. I sit down and smile to thank him. I shove all of the food in my mouth with out hesitation.

It was delicious. I never knew Kakashi could cook. It never said anything about that in the anime. Just then, Kakashi throws me a paper airplane. I open it up. There's a question on the inside.

(K is Kakashi and E is Emi)

"So, why can't you talk anymore?" -K

"I don't wanna talk about it." -E

"Ok, what's your favorite color?" -K

"Grey and purple and black and dark blue." I write, pausing to think between each color. I throw him back the paper.

"Where do you come from?" -K

"You wouldn't know but it's a place called New York City, it's in a place called New York, in a place called America. It's a lot Better here though... When can I be a real ninja?" -E

"Soon." -K

After that we sent back and forth a few more before I get tired and go back to sleep.

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