Is This a Dream?

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I wake up in a large field. The grass is really soft. I stand up I realize the air here seems cleaner than in New York. I walk around a bit but stop when I hear a rustling in the bushes.

I'm scared. I go by a tree and hide behind it. I hear foot steps coming towards me. "Who's there" I hear someone ask. I put my mask over my face and pretend to be dead maybe they'll go away.

Unfortunately it just got closer. "Hello?" I hear someone call out. The voice is familiar. It's a little raspy and childish. It's Naruto. Believe it. "Are you ok!?" I hear a panicked voice ask. I keep playing dead after all it can still be a rapist.

"Oh my gosh!" It says. "IRUKA SENSEI! COME HERE." The voice yells.

I hear a quieter voice "Don't talk so loud Naruto."

"Sorry Iruka sensei but there's an anbu girl who's laying here. I think she's hurt!" the voice says. Can this really be Naruto. This has to be a dream.

I try to talk. Nothing comes out. Nope I can talk in my dreams.

"She's awake I think!" the Naruto voice says.

"Ok. I'm coming." I hear the other voice say.

About 30 seconds later I hear footsteps closing in on me. I still play dead. 'Go away' I think to myself. "We need to take her to a hospital!" Naruto says.

"She looks fine to me. She may be just sleeping." I hear a wise sounding voice say. It sounds like Iruka. This is just too weird.

"Why don't we just try to wake her up?" I hear a Naruto voice say. "Well I'm not gonna do it." The voice says again.

"Fine I'll do it." I hear Iruka Sensei say. I hear someone kneel down by me. "Wake up." I feel two hands on my shoulders.

I sit up realizing that it really doesn't matter anymore. I look around through the holes in my mask. It all looks.. So anime-y. But that's not a word. Cartoonish I guess.

"Are you okay." Naruto asks. I nod and stand up. I brush the dirt off my clothes and start to walk away. "Wait! what's your name?" Naruto asks.

I point to my mouth to try to tell him I can't talk. "That's right Naruto. If she's an anbu then she can't tell you information like that." Iruka said. I guess that works too.

If I'm in Naruto, can I use juitsu's? I put my fingers in a teleportation juitsu hand sign and poof away. Wow how 'bout that. I show up in the hokage's office facing the third hokage. I get down on one knee and take my mask off.

"Who are you young lady?" he asks realizing that I'm not one of his anbu black ops

I point to my mouth and shake my head. "I really need you to tell me."

I try to talk but it doesn't work. I start to tear up. He hands me a piece of paper and a pencil. I wonder how he knew. I start to write.

'I'm terribly sorry but I can't talk anymore. My name is Emilia Madison but you can call me Emi. I come from somewhere very far away. I would just like to tell you that I mean you and your village no harm at all. I actually wish to protect your village in return for you letting me live here. I didn't have the best life where I come from but here I think I'll finally make some friends here. Please let me be a ninja here, I promise I won't let you down.'

I finish writing and hand my paper to the 3rd hokage. He reads it and nods his head. "Yes I'll let you live here, but to insure that you mean no harm to my village you will be living with a high ranking ninja. Is that okay with you?" the hokage asks. I nod.

"Great I'll call then right away." A couple of seconds later I see some ninjas pop up in front of me. My jaw drops in awe. Standing before me is. Asuma, Kakashi, Guy and Kurinai-sensei.

"Pick what ever one you would feel the most comfortable staying with." The hokage says to me.

Immediately I'm stuck. I have no clue who to pick. It's one of the hardest decisions of my life.

"I think you would feel a bit more comfortable living with me, you know cause I'm a girl." Kurinai sensei says.

"No this youthful young lady belongs with me! I can already tell she has so much potential and spirit!" Guy blurts out doing a crazy pose. I smile.

"I think your a little to crazy Guy. She looks like a nice calm girl who would be great at shougi." Asuma says. My smile gets wider.

"No of course a pretty young lady like her should come live with me. After all she looks like she would be a great fighter. Until then though she needs to be protected. All of you know I'm the strongest." Kakashi-sensei says.

There all fighting over me. I take a deep breath in and look at the hokage. He nods. I stick my arms out and hug Kakashi sensei. He looks so surprised.

"Well I win. I'm guessing she knows I'm better then you Guy." Kakashi says a smile clear in his voice. "Wanna go get some ramen?" He asks me and I nod into into his stomach because in still hugging him.

We poof away and to Ichiraku ramen. "What kind?" He asks. I shrug not knowing what's the best ramen and he laughs. He orders two miso ramens. We eat and he talks he asks me mostly yes or no questions. I'm very thankful for that. He might not want me if he knew I couldn't talk anymore. After we eat we walk back to his house. He shoes me to his guest room where I'm staying, which was actually surprisingly comfortable.

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