Curse Like a Hidan

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"Sasuke,I'm at point C"

"Sakura, I'm at point D"

"Uhh Naruto. P-point B? yeah point B, believe it!"

"Your late Naruto." Kakashi says.

"Awe Oreo! Did you find a friend? Aweeeeee! Is that your girlfriend!? I ship it!!" I say through the mic on accident.

"Oops. Yeah, uh I'm at point A. I found the cat. And Oreo is in love. We can't give it back!" I protest.

"We have to!" Kakashi yells "it's part of the mission." He states obviously.

"Nooooo! I love it!" I shout.

"Naruto do something!" Sakura yells.

"Uhh, ok!" he yells and jumps on the cat.

"NOOOOO! TORA!" I scream. "WHATS GUNNA HAPPEN TO TOREO NOW?!?!" I say, an anime water fall falling down my face.

"Don't cry!" Naruto yells. Meanwhile Tora is attacking him.

"Yup this is definitely our cat." Sasuke says looking at a picture of Tora.

We take the cat to the fat lady she ran away from in the first place. I'm still crying. "Toreo is over" I repeat quietly, hugging Oreo.

"It's okay." Naruto keeps telling me.


"FUCK NO JOE! I AM NOT A BABY SITTER!" I yell at the hokage. Kakashi slaps me on the head. "Bitch." I mumble under my breath. And he slaps me again.

"I'm not just some crazy kid anymore. I'm a ninja and I want a real ninja mission." Naruto says making a 'X' with his arms.

"Naruto do not disrespect the hokage!" Iruka sensei yells. I kinda just stare into space as the hokage starts to explain the mission ranking system and Naruto talks about ramen.

"Fine I'll give you a 'C' ranked mission. You'll be an escort." the third says.

"Who is it a princess, or a-" I cut him off.

"I AM A PRINCESS BITCH BOW DOWN BEFORE ME YOU FUCKING PEASANTS! HAHAHA-" Kakashi cuts me off by slapping me in the back if the head. "I needed that onii-chan." I say as a drunky walks into the room.

I smile remembering the mission coming up. "What the? A bunch of snot nosed little kids?" he asks. "And you the short one with the idiotic look on your face! You really expect me to believe your a ninja?"

"Hahahahahahahahaha! who's the short one with the idiotic look on their face." Sasuke and Sakura step closer to me and Naruto. The background goes black and a bunch of lines go to the top of our heads. It goes Sasuke. Then Sakura. Then Naruto and of course me. I'm about 5 inches shorter then Naruto. I just realize I'm smiling like an idiot because I'm gunna meet Zabuza. How did that happen?

"What the fuck did you just say about me!? You drunk ass bastard! I may look little and sweet, but I sure as hell can cuss your ass out like a mother fucking sailor! or Hidan. I'll stab you 37 times in the chest! I may become an 'S' ranked criminal but I'll do it you fucking stupid fucking fuckity fuck fuck fuck face! Fuck you!" I scream and Kakashi slaps the back of my head. "Ouch!"

"Don't threaten the person we have to protect, Asuna!"

"Blah blah blah! SURE!" I scream

"Well let's get going then." Kakashi says.

Once we get out the gates I walk faster then everybody else. Swearing under my breath all the way until I see 'the' puddle. I decide. You know. Why not go jump in it. So I do. The ninja of course get irritated and come out. Then the whole show down starts.

*~To hard to write later~*

"Sorry Naruto, I would have come earlier but I didn't expect you to freeze up like that." Kakashi says.

"Yeah, you big chicken" Sasuke says.

"CHICKEN!!" I scream and start to run around like a chicken flapping my arms around.

Everyone sweat drops, then Naruto stabs himself in the hand. Kakashi ruins his big moment. Naruto freaks out. All of that mess. I just stay there splashing in the puddle and laughing.

Eventually we get on that ugly guys boat. "WHOA! ITS HUGE!" Naruto yell talking about the village.

"That's what she said!" I say and start laughing loudly.

"I told you,no noise!" the ugly dude yells. "Why do you think were traveling like this? It's so they don't see us."

"Hey. Tazuna. Before we reach the pier. I need to ask you something. Why are these ninja after you? If you don't tell us in going to have to end the mission here. When we drop you ashore." Kakashi says.

"Well I guess I have no choice." Tazuna starts

"It's because it's bad for Mr. Goats Economic system. He can't charge as much as he does if there's an easy way out." I interrupt because that speech his way too long.

"Mr. Goat?" Kakashi asks.

"Gato, goat, potato, potato! same thing!" I shout.

"If you knew he was dangerous. Why did you hide it from us?"

"I already told you onii-chan. Economic troubles." I say obviously.

"How do you know all of this?"

"Duh! I know everything." I say and my eyes sparkle.

"Were approaching the shore!" the boat dude says. "No one has noticed us so far"

"Nice going!" Tazuna says

We look around the village and are in awe at the beauty if it all.

"Alright. Take me to my home." Tazuna says.

"Yeah, I know Kakashi! but we can take 'um" I say knowing that Kakashi is thinking about Zabuza and Haku. "Moo moo and he-she are easy foe" I say.

"Stop it. Get outta my head." Kakashi says and I laugh.

"Your right Naruto. Never let Sasuke out rank you!" I say knowing what Naruto is thinking.

"Whaaa!? How did you know what I was thinking?!" He all but yells. 

"I know everything! Believe it!" I shout and start laughing again. "But if you hit, or almost hit the bunny I'm gunna beat you up!" I warn

"Wait! What was that?" Naruto says ignoring me. He starts to throw kunai all around. And guess what? He almost hits the bunny.

"Ohhh Narutoooo!" I say ominously

"Oh no!"

I pounce on Naruto and grab a spoon out of my pocket. I start to stab him with it. Then it breaks.
"MY SPOOOOON!" I scream and go on a rampage. My eyes glow red and I start beating up Naruto. With yet another plastic spoon from my pocket.

Then all of the sudden a giant sword comes from nowhere and chops the spoon in half. "God damn it Zabuza! I ONLY HAVE 18 MORE SPOONS LEFT! FUCK YOU MOO MOO!!

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