Harry's So Done Right Now

Start from the beginning

   "Well, you haven't finished it this time, haven't you? In a few hours, the Mandrake Draught will be ready and everyone that was petrified will be alright again."

   LIKE HERMIONE! I haven't seen her in forever... Ugh, I think we might've forgotten to visit her yesterday... Oops. 'Mione, forgive me? I'm facing off this evil nemesis memory... thing... person. 

   "Haven't I told you? Killing mudbloods doesn't matter to me anymore." ... what? "For many months now, my new target..." ah, yes, pausing for dramatic effect, are we? "...has been you."

   Are you kidding me?


   "How is it that a baby with no extraordinary magical talent was able to defeat the greatest wizard of all time? How did you escape with nothing but a SCAR while Lord Voldemort's powers were DESTROYED?" he hissed at me through his teeth and used my wand (which is offensive) to lift the mess that is my hair away from my face and to reveal my scar.

   OKAY, STOP TOUCHING, THAT HURTS. I back away, trying to conceal the pain that had suddenly flooded through my forehead from my scar. "W-Why do you care how I escaped? Voldemort was after your time."

   That appeared to be the right thing to say because he backed away from me with a malevolent smirk on his face. "Voldemort is my past, present, and future." 

   UGHHHHHHHHH, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!!? I THOUGHT I DEALT WITH YOU LAST YEAR. He used my wand (which is offensive) to write his name in the air, the letters burning with an orange glow: TOM MARVOLO RIDDLE. Was the all caps necessary? 

   Doing some fancy hand movement, he unscrambled the letters (why is magic so cool yet so aggravating?) into the words: I AM LORD VOLDEMORT. They slowly faded away, and I turned to stare at him for a second. 

   I think I'm internally screaming. Let me just make this more dramatic: "You? You're the Heir of Slytherin? Wow, I never could have guessed! (y/n), oh my god, WHERE ARE YOU?!? You're missing me sass Voldemort Junior!"

   There was a muffled laugh and I turned towards the sound, but Tom grabbed my hair and forced me to look into his cold eyes. 

   Tom gave me the most irritated look right then, groaning. "Harry, you dumb-" Excuse me while I censure him for the sake of my twelve-year-old mind. He shoved me away and I gasped in mock offensive and he stared up at the ceiling muttering exasperated things like, 'I can't BELIEVE I have to deal with this stupid teenager later on in my life'. "You think I wouldn't know you'd risk your friends on an escapade like this?! She's over there, you bloody idiot." he pointed over to the sculpture.

   "I am not DUMB, I knew she was- (Y/N), WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED?" 

   Well, apparently, since my attention had been caught up with his... I dunno, his face or whatever, I hadn't noticed (y/n) on top of the screaming man's head, gagged and her hands tied behind her back. She was glaring at me. Whoops, I messed up. She also had this ugly gash on her forehead, which was weakly gushing blood, the red running down the side of her face and matting her hair. 

   I was roughly grabbed by the arm and Tom made me look back at him. Gosh, what an attention hogger. Do you think Ron is waiting for me still? Hm...

   "Surely you didn't think I was going to keep my filthy muggle father's name?" wait, muggle? "No, I fashioned myself a new name, the name I knew wizards would one day fear to speak when I became the GREATEST SORCERER IN THE WORLD." there's the dark voice again. 

   "Albus DUMBLEDORE is the greatest sorcerer in the world, not you." 

   "Dumbledore has been driven out of this castle by the mere MEMORY OF ME." 


   "He'll never be gone! Not as long as those who remain are loyal to him!" and after I said that, there was a bird call in the distance. We both looked towards the noise to see a red blob in the distance.

   "Fawkes?" I whispered, before moving out of the way before the package Fawkes was carrying smacked me in the head instead of catching it like a normal person. Tom moved to, but after seeing what it was, he laughed. I picked it up. It feels kinda familiar? Unravelling it, I see why.

   Sorting hat. Are you actually kidding me right now, Fawkes? Dumbledore? THE SORTING ISN'T GOING TO DO ANYTHING. 

   "So, this is what Dumbledore sends his great defender? A songbird and an old hat." he moved away towards (y/n) and the screaming man AND STARTED SPEAKING IN PARSELTONGUE. Crap. He's summoning the stupid snake. The screaming man's mouth opened (I thought it was screaming before, but it's actually screaming now), and the door slid down to reveal a tunnel. 

   "Crap." I heard someone else say and I turned to see (y/n). Where did her gag go?? When I asked her she just snickered and said 'guess'. 

   I really don't want to know. I really don't. 

   "Let's match the power of Lord Voldemort, Heir of Salazar Slytherin, against the famous Harry Potter."

   At least I'm not a fraud like Hoghart? 

   WOAH, CALM DOWN SNAKEY, YOU DON'T HAVE TO SOUND SO ANGRY... I felt my eyes widen in panic when I heard just how furious that Basilisk sounded and (y/n) was slowly scooting away from the edge, wiggling and trying to get out of her bonds.

   I'm going to die, but it's okay because I'M GETTING A SENSE OF DEJA VU RIGHT NOW AND THAT MEANS SOMETHING RIGHT???

(A/N) - I dunno about that, Harry... Anyways, I'll probably post the next chapter a week from now :D


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