Harry's So Done Right Now

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Harry's So Done™. Anyway, we're getting so close to the end already! (and I think I forgot Valentines Day but *awkward laughter* future editing me -meaning ten years from now, probably- will deal with that...) Have a longish chapter! 

Note: There were some original characters in the first book that haven't been included in this one, if you noticed. Once I get around to editing, I'm going to make chapters that involve them called 'bonus chapters' or maybe bonus sections at the bottom of a chapter, so basically little mini stories as this develops. Of course, that's going to be... a while from now, so just... wait, I guess idk. You may move along now XD ~Maddie

.......... Harry's Point of View .......... 

   As I turned the corner, I gasped when I saw Ginny lying extremely still, seemingly unconscious. This is a strange room? There's a long path surrounded by water. Lots of water. And also there's a massive sculpture of this person practically screaming on the wall, and there was water in front, blah blah blah, and there's GINNY ON THE FLOOR AND SHE LOOKS DEAD. 

   My footsteps splashed through the water as I made my way towards her, and skidded to a stop once I got close enough. Kneeling and dropping my wand carelessly onto the stone floor, I reached for her wrist and attempted to take a pulse (those action movies that Dudley likes have moments like this all the time, so I think I get the gist of it?). 

   Her wrist was sort of... cold. But also warm, meaning she wasn't dead. Yet. Maybe. I DON'T KNOW, WHAT IF SHE'S ALREADY DEAD AND I JUST MISSED IT?! 

   CRAP. I'm not panicking, no. Who does that? Not me. Totally not whispering in a panicked voice: "Ginny, please don't be dead! Wake up, come on! Come on! Ginny!"

   I looked over when I felt a presence next to me. Is that... Tom? He had my wand in hand for some reason, but I ignored that. And it's totally not weird that he's down here, in real life, or anything like that. Don't be absurd.

   "Tom, you've got to help me! There's a basilisk." I said urgently, and he just stared at me with a... dead look in his eyes.

   "It won't come until it's called."

   ...What? Someone's controlling it? 

   Well, duh, but right now? I let go of Ginny and shakily stood up, reaching my hand out towards Tom, who was fiddling with my wand in a sort of creepy way. "Give me my wand, Tom."

   "I'm afraid you won't be needing it." I feel like his face was completely blank, devoid of emotion. It's freaking me out, why is he acting like this?

   I was obviously a bit miffed that he wouldn't give me my wand back, so I said, "Listen. We've got to go, we've got to save her!" 

   Doesn't this guy listen, or is he just deaf? Or something? 

   "I'm afraid I can't do that Harry. You see, as poor Ginny grows weaker," he stared at me nonchalantly, "I grow stronger."

   What kind of stupid hoax is this?! Wait, we did see him inside a book, though... Wait- WAIT- WHY IS HE IN THE REAL WORLD, THEN?? THAT'S WEIRD. And, also, Ginny's going to die if he doesn't hurry this stupid reveal up... I felt myself frowning as I turned his words over in my mind repeatedly. 

   Is he a parasite. That's disgusting. Ginny would probably be a terrible host, wouldn't she? Malfoy would be a better host for a parasite-

   Huh? Where's (y/n)? She usually would've popped up around now...?

   "Yes, Harry. It was Ginny Weasley who opened the Chamber of Secrets."

   HOW? HOW???? SHE'S LITERALLY... FIVE YEARS OLD... Okay, maybe not, but she's short. Even shorter than... than... (y/n)? I dunno. "No, she couldn't! 

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