Gingka x depressed reader

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(There is a lot of language in this chapter! You have been warned! )

I walked inside and shut the door. I was met with complete and utter darkness. I could hear the faint noise of the TV from the other room as I placed my bag down, and the smell of cigarette smoke overwhelmed me as I walked deeper and deeper into the apartment.
I let out a sigh, I was tired, all I wanted was to sleep. But there are more important things than that, at least that's was I was told.

I walked to the kitchen and turned on the lights. I winced at the sudden change in lighting, but quickly got used to it.

I lived with my brother, who, pretty much hated me. He made me do all the cooking, cleaning, and everything around the house while he just sat, smoked, and watched TV. Our apartment was very small, it was all I could afford at 18. (B/N) only helped a little, paying for some groceries and occasional help with the bills.

"Damn it," I whispered to myself, I had forgotten to go to the store, looks like we'll be having leftovers again, he won't be happy. I fixed up what I could and set the table. "Hey, (B/N)! Dinner!" I called. I heard shuffling, then my brother entered. The smell of smoke and beer off of him was almost enough to make me heave.

"What'd ya make this time?" He asked, and just stared at his plate, still standing in the doorway. His voice was completely devoid of any emotion, and his clothes looked like they hadn't been washed in at least a week. My brother was tall, but he was always slouching, so he didn't look that way, he had messy brown hair and dark, unhappy, blue eyes.

"Leftovers," I said, glaring at him. "I didn't have time to go to the store today. Classes ran late, and my boss made me stay later because of it. I'll go tomorrow." He just grunted and sat down. Which was strange, though not entirely uncommon, he must be tired. I rubbed my eyes, I was tired too.

We ate in silence, and when he was finished he just stood up and left, reminding me to go to the store the next day. That went better than expected. I finished my food got up and started to clean up the mess I made. I pulled out my phone and put some earbuds in. Listening to a new song I liked, 'What's Inside By Pinnochio P' I sang lightly to the tune. (That song up there! U can listen if ya want too.)

"Hey!" (B/N) Shouted at me. "You sing like shit, shut up!"

"And you sound like you swallowed a cheese grater!" I yelled back and continued cleaning."Piss off!"

I washed the dishes and wiped down the counter, then walked to my room. It was a mess as always. I picked up a few pieces of clothing off the floor and put them in a basket. "Hey, do you have laundry?" I asked my brother, who huffed and grunted at me.

"Yeah, in my room." He said.

"I'm not touching your disgusting clothes. Come get them yourself." I hissed back. I walked over to the washer, which along with the dryer, was hidden away in a closet. I put my clothes in, "I'm taking a shower, put your clothes in before I get out, so I can wash them," I said and walked to my room.


I awoke to my alarm screaming at me. 5:30 am. I hit the snooze button and rolled over. Thinking of ways I could avoid my daily tasks. By the time I hit snooze the third time, (B/N) was banging on my door, telling me to: 'turn the damn thing off, or I'll smash it to oblivion.' I rolled my eyes and got up.

"Alright, I'm up!" I yelled and turned the thing off. I rubbed my tired eyes, I didn't sleep much again, I couldn't, all I could think about was the next day and how much I was dreading it, how much I wished it would all just stop.

I got dressed in my usual hoodie and jeans, brushed my teeth, packed up my homework from the previous night, and walked out the door.

As I was walking a young boy with bright green hair ran up to me.

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