A new story! (Kinda Please read)

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Hey guys! I'm sorry I haven't been updating as much as I should be, I have been really busy this summer, a lot more busy than I originally  thought... this school year is going to be a busy one, I am going to a new school, (I used to be home schooled) but i will do my best to update during that! I have come up with a lot of story ideas though! Again I am really sorry! I am a really slow writer and Idk what has come over me! :( 

I actually have started a new story, I have only written one chapter and that was on pen and paper. I figured I would share it with all of you!! 

Chapter 1

There are two types of magic. Love magic, and hate magic. Love magic builds up, creates life. Whereas hate destroys and tears down. Most people are born into ether love or hate, but some of us aren't. We are known as 'the lucky ones' for being able to choose what magic we use. Me? Do I consider myself lucky? No, from the first breath I took I have been hated. My family may have been of 'hate' but even hate loves. I know that's confusing, I'll try to explain. 

Love magic and hate magic both uses the emotion to conjure up magic. But that does not mean that is the only emotion they feel. Imagine if you could only feel hate? There would be no love. You would hate the things you need In life. Now imagine you could only love. At first that sounds great doesnt it? But if you only love then that would mean you love EVERYTHING, including the things that are not safe and not good. People of hate can love but they cannot use magic of love. And people of love can hate, but they cant use hate for magic. There is a balance. Does that make any sense at all? I hope it did.

Anyways, let me introduce myself, my name's Echo (Still deciding on the name) I am one of the so called 'lucky ones'. I can wield both love and hate magic, pretty cool right! I also look pretty weird too. One of my eyes is black and the other one is green, the colors of love and hate. I have white hair with a red streak in it. So what you know about me is: My name is Echo, I have weird powers and I look weird. Not a lot, well you'll learn more about me in time. 

What do you guys think? 

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