Ryuga x reader

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(This one may or may not be continued, let me know if you want it to go on. And I need more requests if you guys don't mind! :) 

Ryuga's POV

I was walking back to the Dark Nebula when I heard a dog barking, I looked and there was this little black kitten, with the most horrified look, it was being chased by a dog. The little kitten saw me and hid behind my legs, the dog stopped and started barking, 

"GET!" I yelled at the large dog, it whimpered and ran off. I picked up the black kitten, "Hello there." I said, and laid her in my arms, she meowed back, I looked for a collar, she had one, it said. 'Hello! My name is (Y/N). I am a stray.' "(Y/N) is your name?" 

"Meow!" She started purring and soon enough fell asleep. I carried her back to the Dark Nebula, 

"Master Ryuga, what is that?" Doji asked me. 

"What does it look like? I rescued her." 

"And you are going to keep her?" 

"Yes, I am." 

"ok..." I walked to my room and set the kitten down on a pillow. The kitten woke up and looked at me, I heard a small grumble, I'm guessing she was hungry when was the last time she ate? 

"Are you hungry?" 

"Meow." The kitten nodded, I picked her up and carried her to the dining room, I got a lot of weird looks, but I glared at them all and they looked away. I got some chicken for my kitten, and I got myself a sandwich. I sat down at my table and set (Y/N) in front of her food, she began eating almost instantly, purring all the while, she finished her helping and meowed for more, I got her some. When she was done I took her back to my room, 

"Where do you want to sleep?" The kitten looked around the room, then choose a spot next to the wall on my bed. "There? Ok." I put a blanket down for her. I showered and got ready for bed. I got in my blankets, the small figure of the cat came up beside me and licked my nose with her rough tongue. I pet her head. "Goodnight my little kitten." 

"Meow." Then she went back to her space on the bed and we both fell asleep.

I woke to a small black ball of fur snuggling beside me, she must have moved. I stroked my hand over her back, she was so soft. Responding to my touch, she poked her head up, 

"Good morning little one," I told the kitten, 

"Meow!" She responded and licked my nose. I got up, 

"Wait... I need to get you a litter box if I am going to keep you..." I said thoughtfully, the kitten meowed to get my attention, I watched her go into the bathroom, close the door and after a moment I heard the toilet flush, then I heard the kitten scratching at the door to get out. I let her out, "Ok, never mind that, you can use the toilet." 

"Meow!" I pet her head. We walked down to the dining room and I got some food for her and I. (Y/N) ate happily. I took her back to my room and put out a bowl of water for her, 

"Ok, I have to go training, I'll see you later," I told her, and threw her a small ball I had found, she meowed and chased after it.


"Bye Master!" I called to the boy named Ryuga, and chased after the ball he threw. Master is so kind to me! He saved me from that dog, I hate being a cat, at least I didn't have to use a litter box. After an hour of playing with the ball, I got bored, so I explored Master's apartment. He had a small kitchen, a full bathroom, a living room, and his bed room. He also had a walk-in closet. After I was done looking around, I decided that, even though I was a cat, I still need to be clean. Master had a large bathtub, I filled it a little ways with warm water, put some soap in it and got in. I was washing myself when Master walked in, 

"(Y/N)? He spotted me swimming around in the soapy water. "What are you doing?" He laughed, "Well someone is more human than cat!" That was true, 

"Master I am a human, or I used to be!" I told him, I didn't know if he understood me or not.

Ryuga's POV

Well, I have the most interesting cat, she's taking a bath! She got it all set up and everything. 

"Are you done?" I asked, she meowed a few times and nodded. I got her out and wrapped her in a towel. "Do you want me to blow dry you?" 

"Meow!" she nodded again, I got the hardly used blow dryer set up, she sat down on the counter and allowed me to blow her dry.

I spent a lot of time with my little kitten for the past few months, she acted much more like a human than a cat and I was happier around her, I felt more at home. It was time to go to breakfast when I kissed her lightly (as you would kiss your dog or cat, or any pet at all.) where her lips would be, I was trying to kiss her head, but she looked up at me and I missed. Then she changed. She grew into a human girl around my age. She had (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes. She looked at herself, 

"I-I am human!" She happily shouted. "Master! You changed me back!" She told me, 

"A-am I Master?" 

"Yes, I have been calling you that for as long as I have been here." 

"Y-you have..?" 

"Yes Master, well, I guess I will leave you now... I'm sure you have no use for a human girl. Thank you so much, Master, for your hospitality!" She said and started to walk out. 

"Wait. Please explain... I am really confused right now." 

"I-uh, well I don't really know what happened, I was talking to an old lady, and she must have turned me into a cat. I really don't know how you changed me back. But Master, I am eternally grateful that you saved me from that dog, it could have eaten me! If there is anything at all you need, just let me know!" 


"Yes, Master?" 

"First, don't call me 'Master' it gets on my nerves, second, where do you live?" 

"Ummm... I-I don't have a home, I was trying to find shelter when that dog found me and started to chase me." 

"I see... Well, this place is still your home, you may be human, and by the way, this explains a lot. But you are welcome here, you made me, I don't know, a happier person." 

"I-I can stay? Are you sure?" 

"Yes, I'm sure." 

"Oh thank you Mas-Ryuga!" 

"It's fine, you live here anyway." I hugged Ryuga, he flinched. "Sorry, I'm not used to hugs..." 

"Oh sorry..." 

"Come on, we have breakfast." I took the girl's hand and we went to the dining room. People whispered about her, 

"Who is she..?" One of them said, then Doji came up to me, 

"Ryuga who is this? And how did she get in?" 

"You remember my kitten?"


"Well turns out she was a human," I said blankly and got in line for food, I was still holding on to (Y/N)'s hand.

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