Ryuga x Shy reader part 1

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(Ok! So I hope you all enjoy this chapter! Part 2 should be out soon! I am still not taking requests, sorry guys :/ I hope you enjoy! Tell me what you think!!) 

I run faster trying to catch the midnight train, I grabbed one of the handles and hoisted myself up onto the steps. I did it. I left. Thank goodness. I hope no one will look for me, Its time I get out of there.

I sat down and curled up in the blanket I had brought. After a little I fell asleep.

When I woke up it was light out, and I could see a train station, awesome, this will be my stop. I woke up my little dragon, she nuzzled my neck. When the train stopped I quickly got off before someone noticed me. I then walked a little ways, into the forest might be a safer way, the city looks kinda sketchy...

I walked for about an hour when I tripped and fell into a ditch. I heard a snap and felt a surge of pain in my leg, I screamed. A broken leg? Perfect.

I called for help, despite knowing that there wasn't a single person for miles. After a little, I gave up calling. I took off my back pack and looked for something that might help me. My little dragon Eze, went to my leg and licked it lightly, numbing the pain a little. I didn't find anything. I called for help once more, then I blacked out.

I awoke in a cave, how did I get here? My leg was bandaged and was feeling a lot better. I looked around. I heard something land at the foot of the cave. It walked in, it was a large, red and yellow dragon, he was beautiful but at the same time terrifying. The dragon walked up to me.

"Poor child." It spoke, it had a deep voice. "Are you feeling any better?" I nodded slowly. I was terrified. Never once had I seen a dragon this big. "Don't be afraid of me child, I will not hurt you."

"T-thank you."

"I brought you here because of your broken leg, I also did my best to heal it your dragon, Eze, helped me. You should not walk on it, I will take care of you for now, my name is L-Drago, if you need anything from me, let Eze know, she knows how to find me." I looked at my dragon, she had grown to a bigger size. "She was staying a size you were able to take care of, she can shrink back to a small size whenever she wants."

"Thank you Eze." I pet her head.

"You are welcome!" My white and red dragon spoke. I had ever heard her voice before, and I didn't know dragons could speak.

"You should rest, I can tell you have had a long journey." I nodded and thanked L-Drago. Why did his name sound so familiar?

I layed on the mat the dragon had for me and happily fell asleep.

When I woke up there was someone hovering over me.

"Ah!" I jumped, then winced in pain. Looks like my leg is still healing.

L-Drago walked up to me. "This is my master, his name is Ryuga."

That's it! That's why I recognised L-Drago. Ryuga Kishatu. "H-hello, Ryuga..."

"Hey." He glared at me.

"L-Drago, why did you bring him here?" I turned to L-Drago.

"Because, you two are soul mates." 

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