Ryuga x reader part 1

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  (This will have several parts to it.) 

I walked up to my new home in Japan. I was Gingka Hagane's younger sister, but we were only 19 months apart. My name is Kira Hagane and I have red hair just like my brother, my Beyblade is Elegant Draco, although I didn't do much blading. I walked up to the place that Gingka was staying at and knocked. Gingka opened,

"...KIRA!" I was engulfed in a hug, 

"Hello Gingka, it's been awhile hasn't it?" I asked, my brother was an extrovert while I was very much an introvert. 

"I missed you so much!" He said and squeezed me tighter.

"Gingka- air!" I called, 

"Oh sorry, I'm just so happy you are here!" He apologized rubbing the back of his neck. 

"It's ok, I missed you too..." 

"Please come in and meet my friends!" Gingka dragged me into his house, "Guys! This is my sister!" 

"H-hi, I'm Kira..." I said shyly and waved.

"Hi Kira, my name is Madoka Amano, but you can call me Madoka!" a maroon haired girl said happily. I had several introductions and everyone seemed really nice.

"Welcome home sis!" Gingka exclaimed and opened the door to my room, 

"Thanks, big bro, I hope I will learn to like it here." 

"Me too, you're a good blader so you should fit in just fine!" 

"I hope so." I set my bags down on my new bed and looked around my new room. The walls have painted a pattern of red and white, my favorite colors, the full sized bed had a white comforter and gold pillows. I unpacked my things and set everything up.

I walked downstairs, "Hey sis, my friends left to go beyblading, we can join them after lunch." Gingka told me, 

"Ok," I picked up a banana and ate it.

After lunch we went to the bey park, I battled my brother, but lost. 

"Good job Gingka, you have gotten a lot better!" I told him, he smiled, 

"you have gotten better too, I am really impressed!" 

"Thanks." I smiled.

"Yea you did great!" Madoka told me.

 We did more beyblading, then Gingka took us all out for dinner at a hamburger place. 

"So what do you think of my friends?" Gingka asked me, 

"They are nice." "

That's good! I'm glad you like them!" 

"They seem very interested in Beyblade." 

"Yea! They love it! It's there's and my life!" 

"That's cool." After that, we went home because it was getting dark.

I took a shower and then made sure every light in the house was off. Then I opened the window and left.

The cool air felt good on my legs as I ran faster and faster. I reached beypark, and sat down, leaning against a tree. I saw a boy, he had white hair with a red patch on the left side, he wore a headpiece that was shaped like a dragon and a white coat used as a cape. He seemed angry, and he didn't notice me. He sat on the opposite side of the tree. I was surprised that another person was out here. I wanted to get away for a little, this day overwhelmed me. I liked my new friends, I just hated that they were forced on me, and it's not like I could have said no right? I sighed, forgetting the boy was there. I heard some shuffling and then the boy was right in front of me. He glared at me, 

"Who are you and why are you here?" The boy asked angrily, 

"I-I'm Kira... I'm out here because I wanted to get away for a little tonight." 


"Who are you?" 


"Ryuga? That cool, "It's nice to meet you Ryuga," 


"Why are you mad?" I asked, he didn't seem in the best mood, 

"It's none of your business." 

"I-I understand, I'm sorry to bother you..." I started to get up. 

"I mean, why would you care anyway?" 

"W-well I, I like to be there for people, I am new to this town and I thought I would try to make a friend on my own, without my brother... he forced all his friends on me, and it's not like I can say 'no' right... but I do like them, it's just, I wanted to make friends on my own time..." 

"Hmm... your names Kira, right?" 

"Yea." He nodded, 

"Ryuga?" I asked, 


"Can-can I be your friend? You look like you don't have any." 

"Why not. You're right on that, I don't have any." I smiled, and stretched out my hand for him to shake, he took it, he was very strong. 

"Here, if you ever need me, just call!" I handed him a piece of paper with my phone number on it. 

"Hmm... You look like Hagane..." 

"I am a Hagane, if you're talking about Gingka, he is my brother!" He looked angrier, 

"D-did I say something wrong?" 

"...No, just don't tell your brother that were 'friends,' he will be mad." 


"Because he hates me and to be frank I am not his biggest fan either." 

"O-oh, ok I won't." He nodded again

 "Good, I need to leave, I'll see you soon, I guess. Will you be out tomorrow?" 


"Hmm," He shook my hand again and nodded, 

"Goodbye!" He walked away. 

Beyblade Metal x reader One Shots!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz