Dynamis x reader

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(I'm sorry these are taking longer! I've been extremely busy!) 

Walking through the ruins was a very interesting experience for me, there are so many cool places to go to! I looked around and I found myself in a temple, it had giant pillars, some with holes in them and some without. I read the riddle on the door and I am usually good with riddles, but this one was harder. 

After about two hours I figured it out! I shot my Beyblade through the holes and the door opened. I carefully walking inside and looked around. The place was huge, and there was a throne at the end of the room, sitting in it was a man with lavender hair and sparkling light blue eyes. 

"You have done very well in deciphering the clue I gave you. Its been a very long time since anyone has visited here, and you seem to be worthy." 

"Uh, hi. Um, I didn't really expect anyone to be here..." 

"Yes, I am the keeper and guardian of this temple, my name is Dynamis." 

"Uh, my name is (Y/N)." 

He nodded slowly. "So, what do you want?" 

"I just came to explore, I like to look at different temples around the world and compare them." 

"That is very interesting, let me show you around my temple." He stood up, he was wearing a white robe with white fingerless gloves and boots. He walked to me and shook my hand. 

We walked around the temple, all the while me taking notes and drawing sketches of the places I particularly liked. It was late in the night time when we finally were finished. Dynamis and I talked for hours our my tour, and I had gotten to know him a little. 

"Would you like to stay here for the night? I can let you use one of the old rooms they have beds and I wash everything in there at least once a week, or there is a grassy area you could sleep on." 

"I can take the room, thank you. Though, I hope it's not your room." 

"No, I have my own. This one I often let tired animals sleep. I just cleaned it out this morning."

"Oh, thank you!" He showed me to the room and I set my backpack down. 

The next morning I awoke and found Dynamis looking for me. 

"I have breakfast." He handed me a small metal dish of cooked meat and some eggs. "I have chickens and also pigs." He told me. 

"Thank you!" I said and took the breakfast grateful to have some food. I was so into the temple last night I forgot about food.

After that I found my favorite places in the temple and drew them, I loved to draw, and I noticed Dynamis following me wherever I went. He looked interested in what I was doing. 

After a few days, he came up to me. "Hey-" 

"Oh! Hi, you startled me a bit." I giggled, "I hope I am not overstaying my welcome!" 

"Oh no, not at all! I was just wondering if you would like to, um, maybe like to go on a date with me? I know you have been here a couple of days, but uh, you have been so friendly to me and you aren't intimidated by me." He looked me in the eyes, he had such confidence. 

"Uh, sure! I would love to!" 

"Good. I will let you get ready and get you when the sun goes down." He said and walked away. 

"O-ok." I walked to my room and looked through my bag. I didn't have anything remotely nice. I sighed and just put on some normal clothes and did my hair to the best of my abilities. 

When the sun had officially gone down he was at the door, he looked a lot nicer than usual and he had a single flower in his hand. "This is for you." He said and handed me the flower. 

"Thank you!" He offered his hand and I took it. He walked me to a large field and I saw a picknick blanket with pillows and an extra blanket in case we got cold. 

"I wanted to take you stargazing and I thought this place would be perfect." He gestured to the sky and what I saw could not be described. It was so beautiful. 

I sat down and we talked for hours. 

He looked at me. "I've had a lot of fun tonight Dynamis, thank you," I told him, still staring at the stars. 

"I have as well." He took my face in his hands. "You are very beautiful. Just as beautiful as these stars." 

I blushed, "Th-thank you." 

"Can I kiss you?" He asked, for the first time I saw him looking nervous. I nodded and he pressed his lips on mine. 

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