Chapter 1 of Something!

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So, this is something I have been wanting to publish, but I wanted to share with you all chapter 1 of it. It's not finished and I'm only on chapter 7, but I figured I would see what you all think. I hope you like it! (Its called something because I can't think of a title... Hehe :P ) 

Here we go!!!

Chapter 1

I felt like this day just kept dragging on, order after order, we served the King anything he needed. I let out a long sigh, I was tired and my feet were starting to blister in the uncomfortable shoes I was forced to wear. The uniform I was required to wear was not very comfortable.

A crackling noise came over the intercom and as always, it was the voice of King Dellion.

"Can someone bring me my afternoon tea?" His booming voice asked although it wasn't really a question. "It better not be cold this time!"

I silently prayed that it wouldn't be me, but as I walked into the kitchen I knew my prayers hadn't been answered. The not so apologetic looks from the other maids and servants gave it away pretty quickly. I closed my eyes and let out a long sigh, mentally preparing myself for the task at hand.

I went to the pantry, which wasn't really a pantry but was rather an annex to the kitchen. I pulled out one of the hundreds of boxes out from a cupboard. Peach flavored tea was the king's absolute favorite, and it had to be nothing less than perfect. I carefully measured out the correct amount of leaves and hot water before dumping them into the porcelain teapot.

I trembled up the stairs, it wasn't that he was scary, he just wasn't ever in a good mood, I had only served him a few times and he could be quite intimidating...

I stared at the large oak door that separated me from the king's study. I raised my fist and hesitated. It would take some serious confidence for this to go well, the thing is, I don't have any. I knocked.

"Enter!" a booming voice from inside responded.

I struggled to push the heavy door open, barely enough so that I could slip inside. I stopped a few feet before his desk and bowed. My hands were shaking so much I was surprised I hadn't spilled the tea yet.

He looked up at me and grinned. "Ah yes, my tea, thank you very much." His voice wasn't loud or harsh like it was over the intercom, it was almost calming. I flinched. That wasn't normal. He wasn't supposed to be nice.

His bright green eyes, dark brown locks slightly keeping them from view, shone with amusement as the owner looked down at me. A knowing smirk graced his features as he noticed me staring. I could feel the heat creep up my neck and settling in my cheeks, I looked at my shoes, slightly bowing my head.

"You're-you're welcome, Sire..." I winced as the stutter left my lips.

He smiled and motioned for me to set the tea on his desk, I did.

"Is-is there anything else you need from me sire?" I asked.

"Actually, someone to talk to would be nice, It might surprise you but sitting up here all alone, pretending to be working on stuff I don't even care about gets really boring." He laughed. "I've tried to talk with other servants before but they all seem... very inconvenienced."

I was surprised, and I almost flinched. "So you want to talk to me?" I was confused. "Are-are you sure you want to talk to me?"

He laughed again, this time a little louder. "Tell me about yourself!" He looked at me with an amused smile.

"What do you want to know?" I was getting nervous, he's the king, he shouldn't care about a lowly maid like me, all I am is another servant in his eyes.

"I don't care, how did you end up here?"

"I just wanted a job and this was open." I lied. I wasn't comfortable talking about my past and why I ended up at the castle.

"What's your name?" He asked, looking me over.

"May, sir," I said, he was making me uncomfortable.

"It's nice to meet you May, my name is Alexander Dellion, you know me as the king. I'm sorry, I seem to be making you uncomfortable, forgive me."

I bowed my head in respect to him. "It is nice to meet you, your highness, it's alright sir, I am just wary of everyone."

"You see May, I have been looking for a personal maid or servant, someone who will mostly serve me and help me with the things that I need. You would be earning double the wages you currently make, and you would be given better quarters to live in. Would you be interested in that position?"

"I am here to serve you, your majesty, if you see that I fit that position, then I would be happy to serve as your personal maid." I smiled, that meant if I worked hard enough I might be able to earn more money.

The king nodded, "I am going to think about it, then I will make a decision. You seem to have a good head on your shoulders."

"Thank you, sir."

"Anyways, on a different note, where did you come from?" he asked.

"I came from Castilea, sir."

"Hmm." A long silence followed while he looked out the window.

After a few minutes, I spoke up. "Is there anything else you'd like me to do for you?" I asked shyly.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" He laughed, "I zoned out for a second. Actually, could you get me something to eat, just something small."

"Of course!" I bowed and hurried back to the kitchen, I grabbed some fresh brioche and put it on a platter along with a pitcher of water and a cup, just in case the brioche was dry.

The king welcomed me back with a smile on his face, and when I struggled to open the door he even helped me.

"So you lived in Castilea? What was it like?" King Dellion asked before he took a long drink of water and a bite of his brioche.

"It's beautiful, but I didn't have many friends there, the capital is a much better fit for me," I explained.

"I went to Castilea on vacation a long time ago with my parents. I don't remember it much, so I'd like to go again someday." For a second I thought he looked sad, but it quickly disappeared from his face as he turned back to me. Just as he was going to say something a knock at the door stopped him."Enter!" He called.

A skinny, shaky boy hauled over to us and bowed. "A message, Master."

"Thank you, Davis, you can go now." King Dellion took the letter and ripped it open. After a second of reading over it, some unholy words left his mouth. "Go get my advisors!" He barked angrily at me.

"Of-of course." I bowed and hurried out of the room. However, I didn't have to go very far because the four advisors were just outside. I opened the doors for the men and they walked in, I waited by the door, waiting to be dismissed.

"May. You can leave." He said harshly, with a much different tone than he had used before. I bowed again and headed back to the kitchen. I walked slowly, wondering what they were talking about, but as soon as I heard yelling I rushed back to the kitchens.

"Where were you?" Amelia, the head maid, asked.

"With King Dellion, He asked me to stay a moment because he wanted to speak with me," I replied.

She gave me a strange look but shook her head. "Get back to work."

"Yes, ma'am."

The rest of the day went along pretty quickly. I went to bed early and fell asleep the moment my head hit the pillow. 

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