Gingka x reader

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I watched my good friend Gingka win a battle, once again Madoka was flirting with him, everyone thought that they should be together, though... I really liked Gingka, he was happy, though I was sad. I had a boyfriend, he was a jerk and I planed on breaking up with him, I don't even know why I agreed to date him, he physically abused me. Gingka was determined to win against all evil.

I walked out of the stadium, I was getting bored and wanted to sleep. I walked to my house and opened the door. My boyfriend was there and he hit me a few times, he was mad at me for some reason, when he was done, I went and showered, then I got dressed and went to bed.

I woke to a noise, I dressed myself and walked downstairs. What I saw surprised me, Gingka stood there, my boyfriend gone. "Hey- uh, s-sorry the door was unlocked... you left without a word, I-I was worried about you..." He told me, "When I came yesterday I saw you were asleep... are you ok?" Gingka asked me, the look on his face was worried.

"I-I uh... y-yea, i'm fine..." I lied, my stomach hurt, I was covered in bruises, though I wore a sweatshirt and pants, no one would know.

"...You wear that sweatshirt even though it's summer, are you alright?" He asked, as if he read my thoughts.

"I-I'm f-fine!" I told him, telling myself not to cry, though I wanted to so badly.

"(Y/N), please... I know something is going on, you leave without a word, and when I came yesterday afternoon you were asleep, you didn't wake up till just now... I mean that's a lot of time to sleep, and... you're so skinny, in the bad way though... don't you eat enough? Do you have enough food? Please tell me, I'm worried about you." He stepped closer to me, tears threatened to fall. "You look like your going to cry, please tell me!" He pulled me into his arms, hugging me tightly. I caved and cried on his shoulder, I cried about everything that I have been bottling up. "I'm right here..." He soothed. He took me over to the couch, he sat down and pulled me into his lap. "Tell me (Y/N), why are you crying?" He asked, petting my hair.

"...E-everything..." I sobbed,

"Yesterday you looked so happy, was that all fake?" I nodded in his shoulder, "Why do you wear a mask? Show me whats behind."

I took a shaky breath and took off my sweatshirt, Gingka gasped as he looked at my arms, I was wearing a red short sleeved shirt underneath my sweatshirt. "...B-behind my m-mask..." I mumbled.

"W-what happened?! (Y/N)?!" He make me look at him, "Tell me please..."

I buried my face in his shoulder, "M-my b-boyfriend..." I sobbed.

"Your 'boyfriend' did this to you?" He asked quietly, I nodded. "Why are you dating such a jerk?" He whispered to me, trying to calm me down.

"I-I don't know!"

"We are going to break you up with him ok? I'll be there so he won't hurt you..." I nodded, "Such a sweet girl you are, you don't deserve someone like him, you deserve so much more (Y/N)." He told me, he made me look at him, he kissed my forehead lightly. "Now let's get you treated, Ok? Madoka can help you ok?" I nodded and started to stand, but he picked me up and carried me bridal style to his car, he sat me down in the front seat and we drove to Madoka's.

He took me inside and set me down on a chair. His kindness made me smile, a real smile, Gingka noticed and smiled back. "Do you want me to tell Madoka?" He asked, I shook my head, "Then you will tell her, ok?" He told me firmly and went to find Madoka.

Madoka ran in with Gingka a moment later, "(Y/N)?! Gingka told me you were hurt! OH MY! He didn't tell me you were this hurt! What happened?!" She asked, grabbing some lotion she apiled it to my arms.

"W-well... m-my b-boyfriend..."

"Your boyfriend?!" I nodded,

"H-he... when he gets mad he hits me... which is pretty often..." I told her, she looked at me,

"You seem so happy all the time though..." She let out a sigh. Gingka took my hand, seeing as I was about to cry again.

"I'm going to help her break up with him." Gingka said.

"That's good!" She finished up, "Ok, all done! So... don't let anyone push you around like that... and eat something." She told me handing me a hamburger, I ate it slowly.

"Thank you Madoka..." I told her, she smiled.

"Of course, now, go and get rid of that jerk of a boyfriend you have." I nodded, Gingka thanked Madoka, picked me up and carried my back to his car.

"T-thank you Gingka..." I told him, he smiled at me, took my hand and kissed the back of it. I blushed, "W-why d-did you do that?" I asked,

"You need to be shown what love looks like, since you aren't receiving any from that 'boyfriend' of yours." He replied with a smile. "Now, when will he by at your house?"

"In two hours..."

He nodded, "Do you want to hang out at my place until then?" I nodded. "Alright, let's go."

We drove to his house, and he carried me inside,

"You know Gingka I can walk..."

"I know, I just wanna carry you, you are so light." He told me with a smile, he sat down on the couch and sat me down in his lap.



"W-would i-it be wrong... to-to tell you... I-I really like you? B-because y-you have been so kind to me... " I started to cry, "I-i'm sorry..."

He pulled me into a hug, "No, it wouldn't be wrong, don't cry, I love you too."


"Really. After you break up with that jerk, would you like to be my girlfriend?"

"B-but I thought you liked Madoka..."

"No, she is just a friend. I love you."

After two hours passed we headed to my house, I was really scared. "It's going to be ok." Gingka assured me.

I was sitting on the couch with Gingka when my 'boyfriend' arrived.

"(Y/N)! Who the heck is this?!" He yelled at me,

"H-he is a friend of mine..." I replied shakily. Gingka nudged me, "(Bf/N)... I-I have something I need to tell you..."


"I-I am b-breaking up with you..."

"..." He growled at me and moved to hit me, Gingka stood up and blocked his punch.

"You heard her! She is breaking up with you! Get out!" He yelled.

(Bf/N) walked up to me and placed his hand on my cheek, "You don't really want to break up with me..." he said with a smirk, "You know I love you..."

"Y-you don't love me!" I pushed him away. "Get out of my house (Bf/N)!"

"Fine!" He stormed out. I-I did it! I was done, I could hardly believe it.

Gingka pulled me into his arms, "I'm proud of you (Y/N)." I hugged him tight,

"I-I did it..."

"Yes you did." He made me look at him, "I love you (Y/N)..." He pulled me to his lips and passionately kissed me.

"I love you too." I replied kissing him back." 

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