Father!Sanji, Daughter!Reader

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Thanks to ADevineLight for requesting! This one's a sequel to the previous Father!Sanji, Daughter!Reader I did.

By the way, this is the last request I ended up doing. Major apologies, I guess I'm bad at commitment or something.

I was gonna do one of the (many) Sabo requests I got, but none were exactly Halloween related. I was super looking forward to the Law one, got half way done, then gave up because as cool as the Omegaverse can be between all of the AUs done, I still suck at smut.

Was super looking forward to the Whitebeard one (especially bc gender neutral and I'm NB so I was like yeS), but I never got to it.

Didn't do the Katakuri one because also not Halloween and I've literally never done OCs, and it's stated so blatantly, and I got impatient after several clear and straightforward explanations. Also the whole lemon shit.

The other 5?6? requests I didn't do were just because I didn't get to it.


"Hopefully the sea demons don't come out and swallow us whole tonight."

"Robin!" Usopp shrieked, eyes wide.

You stared wide eyed at the woman. "Sea demons?"

She hummed. "Don't you know the origins of Halloween?"

You shook your head, eyes glazed with excitement as she began explaining.

"Long ago, back on a 31st of October thousands of years ago, an ancient weapon we know as Poseidon ruled the seas. Only on October 31st when the moon was as red as blood could Poseidon use a power that contacted the Gods, demons, and monsters from all of the seas from a level of the ocean so low, it's underneath where the floor of the ocean was at Fishman Island."

You nodded and leaned forwards, pushing her to continue.

"They all arose from the surface to celebrate, excited to make contact with more than each other, but the humans thought they were all monsters. So an elite group of superhumans killed most of them, and chased the rest back down beneath the seafloor."

"What? That's so stupid!"

She smiled. "Indeed. The next year, Poseidon grew stronger and was able to summon the survivors. Even though it wasn't a blood moon. And they attacked the humans that beat them down."

"Yes!" You pumped a fist.

"Now, each Halloween since then, humans disguised themselves so they may not end up with the fate as the others."

"Woah... That's cool!"

"It was."

You blinked. "Were you there?"

She nodded. "I was. In fact, I'm one of the superhumans, and I survived. I'm here to get you, little sea monster."

You grinned and jumped away as she used her powers to try to catch you. You finally ended up in her grasp, laughing as she tickled you.

You were soon scooped out of her arms by another pair of fancily suited ones.

"Hey dad!"

"Hey hun. How are ya?"

"Is mom gonna come up for Halloween?"

You could see the edges of his lips perk up despite his answer. Probably just a reassuring smile. "I don't think this year, darling."

He put you down and you sighed. "Alright... What about next year?"

"Maybe, hun. Let's go start dinner."

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