Robin x Reader

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Robin x Fem!Reader requested by yoinks_mayhaps, thanks for requesting!


You let out a content sigh, watching the fading stars in the sky from the deck of the Sunny, letting your arms rest on the railing. The early morning sun's rim floats at the horizon,

"Lovely morning, isn't it?" a sweet voice came from behind you.

You turned your attention towards the owner. Robin approached you and found a place beside you, gazing up at the night sky. A small smile made its way to your face.

"Yeah, it's beautiful," you agreed, but your eyes were averted to the waves. You tucked a stray lock of hair behind your ear. "Er, it's rather early, you should be sleeping," you commented. "Even Zoro's gone to bed."

She hummed. "Yes, but I can't simply let you stay alone your first morning shift."

You subconsciously went to tuck another strand of hair behind your ear, but your hair was already tidy. "Isn't that the point of shifts, though?"

She chuckled. "I suppose so, but I usually get up around this time, anyway."

"Oh. Right. Are there any other early risers?"

"Sanji and Brook will be next, in around half an hour," she said. "They're nice company."

You held back a small sigh and nodded. Am I not nice company, then? You furrowed your eyebrows and stared into the gentle waves, looking at your rippling reflection as you thought.

Lost in your mind, time flew by quickly, and just as Robin said, Sanji and Brook joined you and Robin. Sanji made some early morning tea and Brook played a calming melody on his violin. You moved from your spot at the side of the ship and opted for the dining area, where Sanji was jotting down notes in a cookbook.

He shut the book and took a seat next to you. "Are you alright?"

You blinked. "Yeah? Why?"

"You've been sighing lightly a lot. Did something go wrong?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't even notice. It's just that I don't get my feelings all the time." You huffed and spread your arm out and rested your head sideways on it.

"I see... Wanna talk about it?" he offered.

"I guess..." you mumbled. "It's like... I'm happy, you know. I really am. But I just feel like sometimes the person that I wanna make happy the most don't want my efforts. And then that makes me not so happy."

He ruffled your hair a bit. "Have you tried telling them that?" You lifted your head a little and let out a confused hum. "Telling them that you want to make them happy."

You let your head fall back onto your arm. "There's no way I could do that. I don't think I could take them rejecting it, I think my heart'd shatter into a thousand pieces."

"Give it a try, alright? It doesn't have to be soon, but you'll find the courage. Here, do you want to help make breakfast for everyone? It's already almost 7," he said with a smile, standing and heading towards the kitchen.

You smiled back. "Alright, that sounds fun!"

You helped make some of the dishes and assisted him, successfully distracting you from your troubles.

"Anyway," he said, helping you set the table, "isn't it odd Robin-chan was up?"

You tilted your head. "I don't think so?"

"She's usually up after Brook and I," he slipped in casually. "Oh well. Do you mind gathering everyone for breakfast? I'll finish up here."

"Oh, sure! I'll go do that," you said cheerfully, the thought being planted in your head as you headed out to the deck. Most of the crew was up already, lounging around. "Guys, breakfast is ready!" you called.

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