'She'll be nothing like me, don't worry... Ananya won't let that happen..' Aayan smiles and Vansh smiles at this too...

'Come with me Jeejaji, We have to take care of few people...' Vansh says to Aayan

'Where are you taking him...?' Ved asks

'Relax Vedie, I won't kill my sister's husband, we are going to pay a formal visit to Ananya's boss...' Vansh smirks and Aayan gives an evil smile too

'But it's 5:30... He'll be gone...' Ved argues

'Even better, we'll see him at his house then....' Aayan says

'I'll come with you two...' Ved says

'Let us spend some quality time alone Vedie... Paa has anyway called you upstairs, don't worry about your friend...' Vansh says and Ved looks at Aayan, who gives him an assuring look

Ved walks upstairs and Vansh calls for his driver to drop the car at Aayan's house

While Aayan and Vansh waited for the car, Vansh leaned against the pillar, and stared at Aayan who was waiting too

'Did you stop eating there...?' Vansh asked and Aayan looks at him surprised, he did not expect a decent conversation with Vansh anytime soon

'Of course not.... I did, but mostly skipped meals, so...' Aayan scratched his head

'Yeah, I can say, 3 years back you had a bulky physique like me, and now you are leaner than Ved...' Vansh comments and Aayan couldn't help but smile 

'It's nothing, I'll get my physique back in a year maybe...' Aayan said

'What about work ? Do you have anything in mind...?'

'Uh.. Yes, I do have something in mind, I hope it works, but right now my focus would be my wife...' Aayan stated, and Vansh's eyes dart towards him

'I like your spirit...' Vansh smiles as the car halts in front of them

'Come Jeejaji... Let's kick some butt...' Vansh grinned and gets on the driver seat and Aayan takes passenger seat, and they leave the house

3 hours later..
Ananya's room..

Ananya opens her eyes and finds herself tucked in the bed properly and quilt covering her, she blinked several times to adjust with the dim lights in the room, and realised it was dark...

She slowly got up and sat leaning, her back resting on the headboard of the bed, she yawns and stretches her arms, and turns on the bedside lamp

She sees 3 big bags in the right hand corner of the room and now she was fully awake since, realisation dawned to her that her husband was back...

She now sat straight and got down from the bed, tying her hair into a ponytail, she walked towards the bags

Do they really think I'll share the room with him...?

She was about to pick up the bag and throw it outside when she found a yellow sticky note stuck on it's handle, she immediately recognised Aayan's handwriting

If you want to throw this bag outside, please ask the servants to do that, don't do it yourself, it's heavy and we don't want you to stay in bed for 3 days, Again... It read and Ananya wanted to frown but she smiled remembering the day

3 years ago...
Bangalore, Aayan's bedroom..
(The time when Ananya and Aayan would fight all the time)

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