News: 10/26/19 Heart Swap Club

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An-tan_(An): Definitely! It was Jays and Cora's idea I think. Cora came and asked me if I wanted to join. I loved the idea of spreading positivity in general so of course I agreed 🤗🤗I thought it'd be a fun way to connect people together in the fandom

Cora-chan(Cora): All of us all had a similar goal: we wanted to make the community happier. Better. More supportive. Through a comment chain with Jay, the two of us got the idea of creating an actual kind of support group that could help Pokéwriters out. I reached out to Imber and An about this asking if they would help us since it's a huge project, and luckily they agreed!! Our shared passion is what really makes us work well together 😊

Jay: ^^^

Imber: And already it's been great just because of everyone's enthusiasm.

Jay: yeah seeing everyone pitch in to help out is really amazing
i'm shocked honestly

An: Yes I wasn't expecting for it go grow so big so fast it made me really excited to see people join in and just talk to each other 🤗

Cora: Like we only began working on the HSC Monday night when I first posted my PWA19 Tag. We've managed to pull all of this together in just five days which is outstanding and I'm so proud and of everyone here for their hard work

JW: That is awesome! I can tell that it's really bringing a lot of people in the community together, both old and new. With that comes the challenge of it being intimidating to newer members. How do you all plan to overcome this obstacle and make people feel welcome?


Imber: Being really friendly

An: I think just being open and not like all robotic is a good start 🤧 including everyone in the conversation when they first join is another thing
A lot of times it isn't that people don't want to talk it's that they can't find an opening to chime in

Cora: When people first enter the chat, we try to reach out and talk to them ASAP by greeting them. Once they get settled in, we try to invite them into ongoing convos so that they feel included

Jay: i feel like reactions also do a really big deal? like someone posts a vid and there's immediately like 3947384838 hearts or thumbs up
even small gestures like that are really appreciated

Cora: ^^^ We basically strive to be as interactive as possible with every member we can so that they feel like they belong here

An: Basically yeah lol

JW: That really shows in your Discord group, that you all make everyone feel welcome. These ideas really show through too. As founders of this club, I understand each of you have a different role. Would each of you explain what role you have and either why you have that role or what excites you about that role?

Imber: I mean, I'm a graphics-maker. I make graphics lol. I made all the account's covers along with the header while Jay created the beautiful icon.

Jay: 💗

An: I love editing lol I'm happy to lend imber a helping hand in case it gets too much for her or smthing 🤧💖💖

Jay: i'm co-admin, which pretty much means i spend a lot of time managing the discord and keeping track of things
enforcing the rules, making sure people are doing good and whatnot

An: I think what's most important for me is the discord 🤧 I wanna spend time talking to everyone and making them feel welcomed and secure in the server

Cora: I'm the administrator! Basically what I do is run the Wattpad account and keep constant tabs on the Discord server. I check our books' comments several times throughout the day to see if anyone has asked to join, wants a graphics request, or would like to submit their fic/art for promo. I love this role because I want to see the HSC thrive and staying organized is an important aspect in that

JW: That's really neat! One of the coolest parts of the HSC is that it has a lot of different services in it. What's your favorite service you have and what is it that's so special about it.

Imber: Heh, I wanna say the graphics shop because of course, but I'm personally excited for the community tip book

An: I'd say I'm really excited to start on our community tips as well lol

Jay: i love the emphasis placed on art (duhhh)also yeah community tips??? we could all use a bit of help

Cora: My favorite service we currently have out is the Community Tips book. Imber actually came up with the idea for it, and I love it since it gives the server a fun activity to do while also helping out writers in the process

JW: That's all amazing! Is there anything any of you would like to share about the club?

Jay: it's supposed to be a "safe space" tbh like i want people to come in and RELAX, and go "yeah i'm comfortable here, i have friends"

An: I'm excited to get more activities in to just involve the community more with each other yknw?🤗💖 I really want everyone to know and talk to each other and be friends, or atleast support each other

Cora: We're always open to new suggestions! If you have an idea on how to improve the HSC, please tell us! We really want the club to be the best it can be, so we're more than ready to listen to any and all advice

Jay: ^^^

An: Agreed lol💖💖

JW: That's awesome. Thank you for giving up some time to do this interview. What you're all doing is amazing, and I love that you all have stepped up to do this. As you can all tell, this group has made some amazing strides, so check out their amazing club!

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