Chapter - 46

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Lauren PoV

When we heard somebody walk into the room, we immediately starting throwing on our clothing.
"What is going on?" My mom stated, with Mr. Vives behind her.
"We can explain, just give us a minute" I stood up and blocked Camila as she put on her clothing. I looked around, every bodies faces were filled with fear.
"It's kind of creepy that you are watching naked teens" I said through gritted teeth.
"Everybody come gather around" Mr. Vives said, my mom and him walked to the couch.
"I think I might throw up" Camila said, her face had an uneasy expression.
We all walked over to the living room. I took hold of Camila's hand, making sure Lucy saw our togetherness. I'd have to deal with her later.
We sat on the another couch, facing my mom and Mr. Vives.
"So anybody going to say what was going on?" My mom asked.
"We were all changing into our pajamas, you just caught us in the act of changing" I snorted sarcastically.
"Watch your tone" Mr. Vives warned me.
"Aright, we were playing truth or dare" I said again, hoping that that would sound a little mor innocent than strip poker.
"With Vodka? You are underage" Mr. Vives shook his head.
"Well we did it, I don't know what you want us to say" I challenge back. Nobody else was talking, Vero and Lucy were sitting on opposite ends of the couch, and Asher was just sitting with no emotion.
"What are you girls thinking? Camila and Vero, we are going to have to ask you to leave, we have family issues to deal with" Mr. Vives said.
"Camila is not leaving" I rolled my eyes.
"We do not like your attitude or what you have done. We are going to go talk privately about your punishment and call everybody's parents" Mr. Vives stood up, along with my mom and left the room.
We all stayed quiet for a while.
"Your dad is kind of a jerk" I said to Lucy.
"Really? Or maybe he is just a good parent compared to yours, he doesn't let me get away with anything" Lucy replied.
"I mean I guess he is a good parent if you like having a dictator for a dad" I glared at her, my aggression towards her kissing Camila coming out.
"Excuse me?"
"Did I fucking stutter" I rolled my eyes at her.
" nice" Camila said, rubbing her thumb on my hand.
"Be nice to somebody who openly admitted to wanting to fuck my girlfriend and then proceeded to kiss her, hell no" I clenched my fists.
"I didn't mean to" Lucy looked at Vero, "I love you Vero, you and only you".
"Bullshit" Vero rolled her eyes.
"Your a piece of shit Lucy, nothing but a slut" I spat at her.
"Don't try to act all tough" Lucy smirked.
"Guys, stop fighting!" Camila called out.
"You think I'm not tough?" I stood up and walked over to where she was sitting. I leaned up right into her face.
"Lauren, I didn't mean to kiss her! It was in the moment" She pleaded.
I grabbed her shirt tightly, "you want to fuck her? Do it right now! In front of me" I pushed her into Camila.
"I'm sorry" She said.
"Whatever" I said back, already hating that she had to live here.
"Girls we are back, Vero and Camila we are going to have to ask you to leave" My mom said.
They stood up, I waved to Camila and they walked out of the house, I wondered what their punishment would be.
"We are very disappointed in your actions, you all are grounded for a week, including Asher" Mr. Vives stated.
"You can't ground my friend" I laughed, "Can you believe this guy?" I said to Asher.
"Lauren" Mr. Vives put his hand on my arm.
"Don't you dare touch me!" I pulled away my arm.
"I accept our punishment, we are sorry" Lucy stated.
"Speak for yourself" I added in.
"Want me to add another week on to your grounding young lady?" mr. Vives said.
"Don't act like you are my dad, because clearly you are not. So stop trying to be perfect dad, ok? It won't be long before my mom gets rid of you too"I starts to yell.
Asher took my arm and started to lead us away, my body was raging with anger. But also sadness had grown inside of me, I missed my dad.
We finally got upstairs and Lucy walked into her room, Asher followed me into mine.
"Maybe you should stop fighting back, her dad isn't as much of a push over" He recommended.
"I feel so helpless" I shrugged and sat on my bed.
"Our punishment could have been worse. Just get some rest, settle down a bit. And maybe you should try to forgive Lucy" he said.
"Since when have you given advice to me?"
"I've seen you this way before, your better a happy person than an angry one. Goodnight" he started to walk out of my room.
"Thanks for the advice" I told him.
"No problem" he walked out of my room, closing the door behind him.
Camila PoV
"I am very dissapointed in you" my mom said as she started to drive me home.
"I didn't drink anything! Ask anybody there!" I pleaded.
"You were almost completely naked! I did not raise you this way"
"Whatever" I looked out my window, fighting was pointless.
"I let you be with Lauren, but I feel like she is a bad influence on you-"
"Your not go into split us up" I stated quickly.
"I'm not going to, but when is the last time you have talked to your old friends? Like Sandra?"
I shrugged, I guess I hadn't talked to them in a long time. I had been so into Lauren that I had forgotten to interact with anybody else.
"Camila, I'm not going to ground you. But promise to hang out with your friends? If you and Lauren break up you are going to have nobody" she said to me.
"Break up? That's unlikely" I replied, she gave me a glance, "ok ill talk to my friends".
"Thank you".
Lauren PoV
"I hope I didn't wake you up" I said as I walk into Lucy's room.
"Nope" she said, scrolling through twitter on her phone, lying in her bed.
"I'm sorry about earlier...." I said quickly, I hate apologizing.
"Lauren Jauregui is sorry? That's new"
"Don't make me take it back" I said, we laughed lightly.
"What made you apologize?"
"Doesn't matter...promise you will stay away from Camila?" I asked.
"Yeah I will, I like Vero. It was just kind of a spur of moment thing. Camila looked so good-"
"Watch it" I warned.
""It won't happen again" she said.
"Good...because Camila is everything to me. She makes everything better, ya know? When I'm with her I forget about everything...." I smiled just thinking Bout her.
"Don't tell anybody I said that" I replied.
"It was cute"
"And extremely mushy. By the way I'm sorry I was a jerk to your dad" I changed the subject.
"It's ok. He can be harsh. It doesn't matter though, as long as we help each other sneak out of the house"
"I misjudged you. I like that I practically have a sister who is equally as wild as me. I thought you were a daddy's girl" I responded. "What was that whole, I Accept our punishment crap you fed to you dad?"
"Im good At lying" She shook her head. "I feel like the more punishment my dad puts on me the more I want to rebel".
"Good, because one of these nights we are escaping this house to see our girlfriends" I smirked.
"What if we get caught?"
"I've had police chase me down, getting caught by our parents is nothing" I admitted, remembering the moment when Camila and me hid in Veros house. ,
"What happened?"
"Different story for a different day" I added in. "I also have a stalker, wait until I tell you about that".
"Sounds exciting"
"Oh it is. Alright, I'm going to bed. Goodnight" I walked towards the door.
"Goodnight sis!"
"Too soon for the sis label?"
"Yeah" I said, we both laughed and I left her room.

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