Chapter 33

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A/N just kidding 🙈😅

Camila PoV

I looked at the clock, it was Friday night, 5pm and i had nothing to do. My parents were going over the the Jauregui's tonight and i had to babysit Sofi. Unfortunately my over controlling mom didn't want Lauren coming over because she didn't want us to ignore Sofi and do other things. If you know what i mean.
"Honey, we are going to leave now, we love you!" My mom called from downstairs.
"Bye! Love you too!" I yelled back, not wanting to move out of my comfy position on my bed.
I heard the front door shut and Sofi walked into my room.
"Mila, play with me!" Sofi climbed onto my bed.
"Just play with your dolls" I responded as i looked at my iphone, buzzing with texts from Lauren.
Lauren: Babe, hang out with me!!!!
Lauren: Please
Lauren: Please
Lauren: Please
I rolled my eyes, smiling because of her desperate texts, i quickly texted back.
Me: You know the rules, no Lauren in my house when my parents are away...
Lauren: Too bad, they will never know. I miss you.
Me: Ugh, you are making me feel bad :(
Lauren: I'm coming over.
Me: Lauren no!
Lauren: Sorry not sorry.
I looked at Sofi who was playing with her dolls, until i heard a thud outside my door. I gasped and turned to Sofi.
"Stay right here" I told her as i got off of the bed to investigate.
"Hello" Lauren showed up in my doorway and i let out a little scream.
"How did you get in here?! I almost had a heart attack" I responded, putting my hand over my heart.
"I stole your key, made a copy and put it back in your purse" She nonchalantly responded, flopping on my bed.
"What the hell? That is really creepy" I laid down next to Lauren and cuddled into her side, Sofi still contently playing with her dolls at the other end of my bed.
"Oh come on, you have to admit that you are excited that i can get in your house at any time" She kissed my forehead, as i rested my head in her neck.
"You are right, almighty Lauren" I kissed her neck softly. "But you still didn't listen to me when i told you not to come".
"I missed my baby, what can i say?"
"Don't sweet talk me" I responded. "You know i will fall victim to your charming ways".
"I'm charming?"
"Don't get cocky" My arm rested over her stomach, our bodies creating a warmth. "Oh yeah, Sofi you can't tell anybody that Lauren was here".
"Ok" Sofi nodded.
"Hey Sofi, whatcha playing with?" Lauren called out.
"Bratz dolls" Sofi responded.
"Their heads are abnormally big, don't you think?" She asked.
"Yeah" Sofi giggled. "Why are you guys laying like that?".
"We are cuddling Sofi" I added in.
"Oh, but Lauren might have cooties" Sofi responded.
"Me, cooties? What?" Lauren over exaggerated her questioning. "Only boys have cooties, that's why we are dating each other".
"Oh, but boys are cute. It's a shame" Sofi held up a boy bratz doll.
"Sofi, promise me to stay away from boys for a while, they are assholes" Lauren said.
"Lauren!" I kicked her foot. "Sofi, don't repeat what Lauren said, we don't swear".
"Ok" Sofi went back to playing.
"Lauren. Tsk tsk tsk" I kissed her cheek.
"Every body swears" She shrugged.
"If we ever have kids, there is a 99% chance they might end up in jail" I stated.
"Are you saying i would be a bad parent?"
"No i'm just saying you are a bad influence on children. Sofi is going to be a pro swearer by the time she is done hanging out with you" I said.
"Yeah, not going to argue that" We both giggled and Lauren took out her phone, scrolling through texts.
"Who ya texting?" I asked, trying to crane my neck to see her texts.
"Nobody. The more appropriate question is, who keeps obsessively texting me?" Lauren threw her phone into a stack of pillows on my floor.
"Tell me" I whined.
"Cece keeps texting me, she is obsessive and borderline stalker" Lauren rolled her eyes and i felt myself tense up.
"How did she even get your number?"
"I don't know! She probably stole my phone at one of the parties. Can we not talk about her?" Lauren asked me.
"Ok ok,i shouldn't worry about her, right?"
"No, she is just an annoying fly that i want to desperately swat away, yet i can't find a fly swatter" Lauren stated.
"Good use of metaphor! Maybe i should get you to tutor me in English".
"Lauren, come play with me" Sofi said, interrupting our conversation.
"Ask nicely" I commanded.
"Lauren please come play with me" Sofi pouted out her bottom lip.
"She doesn't feel like it" I answered for her, not wanting to leave our comfortable position.
"Not fair! You have to share!" Sofi whined, throwing a doll at me.
Lauren was laughing at my poor way of deflecting the flying object, it hit me right in the face.
"Camila, Sofi. Don't fight or you will both be in time out" Lauren sat up and i sighed, wanting her warmth back. Sofi crawled over and sat next to Lauren.
I sighed and sat up, sitting Indian style.
"I thought i would only have to help babysit one kid tonight" Lauren joked around, i cracked a smile.
"Shut up" I stuck out my tongue.
"Corner, now!" She said to me.
"You have no power over me" I responded, like a little kid.
"Let's play with bratz" Sofi handed Lauren a boy bratz, and Camila a girl bratz doll.
"Who's dating who? Give us the facts Sofi" Lauren said.
"Well these two are dating, and those two are dating" Sofi pointed to a girl aand guy dating, and then a girl and girl dating.
"Two girls dating?" I asked.
"Yeah, they are like you and Lauren" Sofi smiled.
"Do you think two girls should be allowed to date each other?" Lauren asked.
"Yeah" Sofi shook her head. I have never been so proud of my little sister.
I looked at Lauren and we both smiled, i reached over and we held hands. The room warm with love.
Lauren PoV
We played bratz for a little while, a warmth filling up my inside. Having Camila's little sister accept us so easily, was just a great thing.
All of a sudden, we heard a thud downstairs. Camila turned her head to the door and i did the same. Sofi kept playing. Then we heard more rustling, it was only 6 pm, her parents couldn't have been home yet.
"Lauren" Camila whimpered a bit, and came closer to me, i wrapped my arm around her.
"It's probably just the wind, blowing a branch against your door" I tried to reassure her, but i knew that somebody was in the house. I heard a validating sound of footsteps.
"Lauren, what do we do?" Camila whispered, her eyes drowning in fear.
"Hide in the closet with Sofi, i am going to investigate" I got up and Camila stood up.
"I'm coming with you" Camila took Sofi's hand. "Hide in the closet ok, be extra quiet". Sofi got inside the closet, Camila kissed her forehead and closed the closet doors.
"You don't have to come-"
"I'm coming" Camila stated, i didn't argue. We walked into the hallways quietly.
"Do you have a baseball bat?" I asked. She nodded her head and we walked into her parents room, she reached under the bed and pulled out the baseball bat.
I held it in my hand, Camila holding on to my other arm. We walked down the steps and i saw somebody wearing all black in the kitchen. Shit. I swallowed hard, my heart racing, i was scared but i had to be strong for Camila.
We hid around the corner and i put my hands on either side of Camila's face.
"Don't worry baby, i am here. I won't let anything happen to you" I kissed her lips softly and quickly.
"I love you" Camila had a tear roll down her cheek.
"Don't say that..don't act like we are going to get hurt in any way. But i love you too" I responded.
I gripped the bat hard in my hand, and walked into the kitchen with Camila, the person in black was gone. We looked all around.
"We know you are here, don't hide you scared little bitch" I yelled out.
"Lauren! be nice"
"Yeah, cause that will keep us safe" I whispered back. We heard no response, i looked at the door in her living room ,leading to the back patio. It was open, the person either left, or came in that way.
I grabbed her hand and started running through her house, flinging open doors and growling in anger.
"Show yourself you piece of shit!" I said, my anger fueled by fear.
We ran to the upstairs level, searching every single room. The person must of left, i let out a sigh of relief.
"We should call the cops" Camila said, and i nodded. We walked back into her room and i set the bat down. We looked at the closet and i saw a sticky note on the door.
"Wait" I said. I walked up to the closet and took off the bright pink note. It read in black marker: Call the cops and i will come back and kill you.
I felt tears come to my eyes, what the fuck was this? I handed the note to Camila and opened the closet door.
"Shit" Camila mumbled.
I felt my throat swell up, my heart race, sweat dripping down my forehead. Why must bad things always happen to us?
"Lauren..whats wrong?" Camila asked.
I didn't have the heart to tell her, but i had to. I looked in her direction, clearing my throat.
"Sofi is gone".

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