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It had been a few weeks since Minghao and Y/N last had seen each other. Because of Minghao's busy schedule, they hadn't gotten to hangout so often.

Today was different though. Minghao was going to visit Y/N's apartment for the first time and they were both super excited.

Y/N missed him so much to the point it was weird. She never missed people and she'd never missed Minghao. It was as if she were starting to see Minghao in a different way. A way Y/N didn't want to think of, knowing it would never happen.

Minghao knocked on the door to the small apartment. Y/N almost ran over to the door, happy as ever to see her best friend. Minghao almost didn't even get to step inside the door, before Y/N had embraced him in a big hug.

They had never hugged before and she didn't even realise what she was doing. Hesitantly Minghao hugged her back. Normally he didn't blush, but he couldn't help it this time.

He wouldn't say he didn't like it, in fact he'd been waiting for a hug from her, but he'd been too scared to take initiative.

As soon as Y/N realised what she'd done, she hurriedly pulled away and apologised to Minghao.

"It's okay, a hug is always nice." Minghao said and laughed nervously.

"I'm really sorry I made you uncomfortable." Y/N said and looked down at the floor.

"No worries."

"Well, welcome to my home I guess."

"Thanks." Minghao said and smiled at her.

"There's not that much stuff here, so if there's anything you want to do, just tell me and I'll go get."

"Actually, I thought of something." Minghao said and laughed in a mysterious way.

"What is it?"

"You'll see."

Minghao grabbed Y/N's hand, making her blush on the way. He told her to put on her shoes.

And then they left for the nearest store.

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