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I tried tamping into her mind, but her new powers blocked me. I started freaking out, what kind of magic is this?

Just then Seoho walked underneath us, "Can I help now?" I looked at him in bewilderment. I nodded and let him try. He motioned me down, "Take me up to her. Sadly vampires can't fly." I helped him up.

When he was face to face with Izora, he smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist. He leaned in close and whispered something in her ear. I don't know what he said, but she faced him, and she went back to normal.

The only bad thing was that she lost consciousness and started falling. As if it were reflexes Keonhee jumped up and grabbed onto her. Someone else caught the girl who was in the water bubble. I put Seoho down and looked at him.

"How did you..?"

He smiled happily, "It's a secret?" He put a finger on his lips. Just was is he?

{Keonhee's POV}

I carried Izora to the nurse's office while the guys followed. The nurse started checking her vitals. Everything was okay now.

I turned and faced Seoho. "Come with me," I told him and walked out.

When we reached a safe distance from Izora and Azrael's ears I turned to look at Seoho.

"What did you do?"

Seoho pretended to be surprised, "Me? I didn't do anything."

"Oh, cut the bullshit Seo! If she or her brother found out what you and some of the guys are, do you think she'll be happy!? She'll kill you on the spot."

"Won't that be in your favor anyway." His face went dark.

"What are you talking about?"

"I know you like her. You make it so fucking obvious, it makes me sick." I didn't know what to say. He chuckled, "I really like her too. And I know if she finds out what I am, she'll hate me. But I don't care. I always get what I want, she'll be my Dark Queen. You saw it yourself. She is as wicked as me."

I grabbed him by the collar, "Seoho what are you planning?" He just smirked, "I won't let you get away with this. You better not hurt her! I always let you get your way, but this time I won't let you." I pushed him away. "I'm warning you, Seo, let's not make this into a war like our parents did." I walked away.

When I turned the corner I bumped into someone. When I looked to see who it was, my mind went blank.

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