Roller Coaster Isn't That Scary Ushijima Wakatoshi x Chubby Reader

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Ushijima's POV

I looked at everyone, basically Tanji-sensei arranged a field trip with the team for loosing against Karasuno, and that field trip is to Tokyo's most famous amusement park. I actually didn't mind since I could get a break from mourning over the loss against Karasuno, I looked at all the rides and Tendo was looking at a roller coaster, it's big and I was really really looking forward on riding that.

"Do you guys want to ride that!?"Tendo asked as I smiled a bit

"I don't mind"I said as Tendo smiled

"I-I do mind.......I'm too old for that anyways. You guys enjoy that later, for now let's enjoy some soft rides"Tanji-sensei said as I nodded and they also agreed while we came to a haunted house, Tanji-sensei, Goshiki, and Shirabu are the only ones who got scared.

"You guys are scaredy cats!"Tendo said as Goshiki remained calm and Shirabu however, was still panting and trembling in fear.

"Are you okay......Shirabu?"I asked as he nodded while gasping for air

(Y/N)'s POV

I walked towards the haunted house with my friends, they insisted me on going with them on the amusement park, it's a free ticket from the ruffle they were in and they gave me one, I'm from Miyagi Prefecture and I'm (Y/N)(L/N) from Karasuno. My friends won a lottery of five tickets to the most famous amusement park in Tokyo, I sighed while they screamed at my face and I didn't even got scared. They were the ones who insisted me on coming in while they are scared, I'm not scared because I'm brave, all I want is that I want to ride a roller coaster!

"You guys are so troublesome, sometimes"I said while sighing as (Friend 2) giggled and dragged me towards a bump car, oh my god no.

"You have to get some fun!"he said as I rolled my eyes then nodded while racing for the car, I smirked while bumping each one of them, my friends consists of two couples, in the only one who is single. So I tend to ruin their moment a lot, I am not bitter, I'm just envious. I want that moment too you know? Just like in other fairy tales but I know fairy tales doesn't exist where a hot guy will instantly fall for a chubby girl like me!

"Ohhhh let's eat some churros!"(Friend 1) said as I giggled at her excited face while she dragged her boyfriend onto the churros booth. Of course the two couples shared while I just ate alone, some people took pity on me but I didn't care, my friends are happy so I'm happy. That's all I can do for now.

"Neh, neh, can we ride the roller coaster now!?"I asked as they chuckled and nodded while they go to their seats, I on the other hand was alone again. I sighed and face palmed, I was gonna ask (Friend 3) or (Friend 4) to be with me but eh. I wasn't paying attention and was about to go down the ride but someone grabbed my right wrist, I saw a hot guy with olive-brown hair and dark olive eyes. He's handsome

"The ride is starting"he said with his deep voice! Oh my god! I'm supposed to sit next to a really really hot guy!? Maybe fairy tales are true! The safety thingy came down while the ride was slowly making its way to the top, I saw a Shiratorizawa jacket? He's from a elite school!?

"Where are you're friends?"he suddenly asked as I looked at him

"O-oh uh their in the sucks to have friends that are couples......h-how about you?"I asked as he looked calm

"They are at the front......."he said as I nodded

"Woah I d-didn't knew that it's so high......."I said while my hands trembled as I hold onto the bar thingy

"Are you scared?"he asked as I shook my head

"Well a bit, I didn't knew it's so high......."I said as my heartbeat rapidly beats, he suddenly put his hands on my small ones, woah it's calming.

"Hold my hand until the ride is finished......."he said as I blushed and didn't got to nod cause of the ride going down! So I screamed while looking at the sky, my hair was tied so that's perfect! Though the roller coaster has many vertical thingy that made me dizzy but not as far as puking, I gripped harder on the stranger's hand while we both screamed for excitement.

~Time skip! To when the ride stopped!~

I smiled with a biggest smile, my friends are now puking while I was okay.......I looked at my hand

"E-e-excuse me!"a voice of a male said as I slide to the side while all of the male came to the bathroom, their the ones who I saw with the hot guy earlier.

"Oh its you"he said as I smiled

"Yeah it's me! Is that your friends?"I asked as he nodded

"Yes, yours?"he asked as I pointed at the bathroom

"Same as yours.......anyways are you from Shiratorizawa?"I asked as he look down at me and nodded

"You?"he asked as I smiled

"Karasuno!"I said as his face saddened a bit and I look at him curiously

"Um did I push a button?"I asked as he shook his head

"No it's fine........anyways my name is Wakatoshi"he asked as I smiled

"(Y/N) (L/N), nice to meet you, Ushijima-kun"I said as he smiled

"(Y/N)-chan! Let's go to that next!"my friends pointed at a shooting game which I gladly took

"See ya around, Ushijima-kun"I said as he nodded while looking away from me.

3rd Person's POV

(Y/N)'s friends are smirking towards her while (Y/N) looked at them

"What?"(Y/N) asked as (Friend 1) giggled

"You were getting cozy with the most famous ace in Miyagi Prefecture!"she said to (Y/N) which she blushed while looking at her palm

"And do you know that the boy held (Y/N)-chan's right hand during the roller coaster ride?"(Friend 2) asked as (Y/N)'s friends giggled or laughed at (Y/N)'s reaction.

"I-it's just for the time being! Y-y-you all know that it is too high for us......"(Y/N) said as they all smirked

"Heh is that so~?"(Friend 3) asked as (Y/N) rolled her eyes and smiled not noticing the Shiratorizawa's Boys Volleyball Team passing by.

"Minna-san UROSAI!"(Y/N) shouted that caused her to blush more because people started looking her way, she apologized immediately while a certain Ace was chuckling at how cute (Y/N) sounded and looked.

"Eh~? Ushijima-kun chuckled~!?"Satori Tendo asked teasingly which caused the ace to blush a bit, despite him being tan skinned.

"Maybe it wasn't so bad to take you all in this field trip after all"Washijo Tanji said as Ushijima smiled and nodded while they walked away from the amusement park.

~Extra Ending~

Ushijima waited in front of the gates of Karasuno for (Y/N), every student was so shocked even the boys volleyball team at Karasuno was shocked, they saw how Ushijima leaned against the wall of Karasuno.

"Neh, neh, neh, let's go to the new arcade near (Y/N)-chan's house!"(Friend 4) said excitedly while looking at (Y/N) but then she suddenly got elbowed on the side by (Friend 3)

"The hot ace we met last week is here for his princess~"he said as (Y/N) blushed and looked at Ushijima

"(L/N)-san! Nice to see you again"Ushijima said as he walked towards the blushing chubby girl

"U-Ushijima-kun.......why are you here?"(Y/N) asked as Ushijima smiled a bit

"Roller coaster isn't so scary, right?"Ushijima asked as (Y/N) blushed while looking at their hands intertwined

"Y-y-y-yeah......."(Y/N) said as Ushijima smiled

"I'll be your friend from now on, (L/N)"Ushijima said as (Y/N) blushed and smiled then nodded

"Friend to lovers~"(Y/N)'s friends said as (Y/N) and Ushijima blushed, Ushijima just blushed a bit then smiled.

"Maybe~"Ushijima said as he lifted (Y/N)'s chin and gave her a kiss in the cheek which she blushed about.


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