Periods Are Such A Pain Issei Matsukawa x Chubby Reader

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3rd Person's POV

Issei Matsukawa has a girlfriend named (Y/N) (L/N), she's the cousin of Hajime Iwaizumi, they don't share the personality but when (Y/N) is on her period, she gets a bit bipolar and more like Iwaizumi which everybody decides to stay away or stay not too close to (Y/N), including Matsukawa. Well (Y/N) is a chubby girl with (Long/Short) (Straight/Curly/Wavy) (H/C) hair, shining (E/C) colored eyes, and (S/C) skin. She is mostly the cheerful one but when she is on her period or angry, she became a more like a demon who wants to devour someone. And today is one of those months, it's her starting line and she was walking towards the gymnasium of Aoba Johsai.

"Issei!"she said throughout the court, everyone shivered at her tone

"Y-yes?"Matsukawa stuttered

"I've never heard Matsukawa stutter before"Iwaizumi said as Oikawa nodded while chuckling

"He seemed scared on his girlfriend, knowing this kind of attitude. She must have hers today"Oikawa said as he patted Matsukawa's back

"I need you to come with me and buy me gummy bears!"(Y/N) said as Matsukawa was shocked, everyone was chuckling at this point.

"B-b-but I have practice, (Y/N)"Matsukawa said as (Y/N) glared at him

"Do as I say or your dead"(Y/N) said as Matsukawa sighed and nodded, saying goodbye to his teammates and to the sensei and coach.

"Why do you have to do that in front of them? It's embarrassing"Matsukawa said as (Y/N) smiled

"I just wanted to embarrass you is all, anyways let's gooooo to the convenience store!"(Y/N) said as he sighed and nodded while (Y/N) dragged Matsukawa to the store.

"Is Mattsun gonna be okay?"Oikawa asked as Iwaizumi kicked him

"Don't make my cousin look bad, Trashykawa!"Iwaizumi said as Oikawa pouted

"Ittayo Iwa-chan! I'm just joking is all!"Oikawa said as everyone stared at them

"Are they even third years? They're so immature sometimes"Shigeru Yahaba said as everyone nodded, then back at the couple.

"Dakara! We don't have gummy bears anymore!"the vendor said as (Y/N) pouted while looking at Matsukawa

"Gomen, come on"Matsukawa said as he grabbed (Y/N)'s arm and dragged her away from the store, (Y/N) cried like a child who didn't get what she wants.

"I-Issei! Gummy bearsssssss!"(Y/N) said as Matsukawa sighed then shoved something on her face

"Here! Help yourself up, I'm gonna go back to school!"Matsukawa said as (Y/N) happily took them and ate one then walked towards Matsukawa.

"Issei! I want you to accompany me on some-----ittaiyo!"(Y/N) said as Matsukawa looked at her

"What is it now!?"he asked as (Y/N) looked at him

"M-m-my cramps!"(Y/N) said as Matsukawa rolled his eyes and bent down, (Y/N) got on his back while sighing

"You know you could've said in the first place, let's go to your place"Matsukawa said as (Y/N) shook her head

"I couldn't bother you anymore Issei, you've done so much........."(Y/N) said as Matsukawa ignored what she said and go to (Y/N)'s house, he took care of (Y/N) since (Y/N)'s cramps worsen than before.

"I-Issei!"(Y/N) whined and Matsukawa regretted his decision to stay with his girlfriend.

"What now? Cramps again?"Matsukawa asked as (Y/N) looked at him teary eyed.

(Y/N)'s POV

Issei raised his voice at me........

"Y-you raised voice at me......uwaaaaaaaa"I cried while he sighed and hugged me so suddenly

"I'm sorry okay? It's just the girl's Mother's annoying but I never meant to hurt your feelings"he said as I sniffed, I cried a lot

"You mean I-I'm annoying to you?"I asked as he looked at me

"Wha----that's not what I meant....."he said as I look at him then broke the hug

"Then what is!?"I asked and continued to cry, he hugged me again as he sighed

"I'm sorry, I will never raise my voice again"he said as I looked at him

"Is it r-really true?"I asked as Issei nodded and kissed my forehead

"Wanna watch a movie? To make you feel better?"Issei asked in a gentle tone while I smiled and nodded, we got on my couch and watched a scary movie, me and him didn't even flinched. Then I felt something. Uh-oh

"Um I-I-Issei?"I asked as I stood up, my back facing away from his face

"What's wrong babe?"he asked as I chuckled nervously then run away to the bathroom, while at it

"I'M GOING TO THE BATHROOM!"I shouted as I left him confused

Issei's POV

I was left alone with the movie still playing, I'm so confused. I grabbed the remote controller and paused it then I stood up. I noticed blood stain on the couch. Oh.

"She got leaked through? Pfftt"I said as I chuckled while taking towels to cover it up so she wouldn't be angry.

"I'm back"she said as I smiled and hugged her, she hugged me back

"Let's continue?"I asked as (Y/N) nodded

"Hai!"she said as I smiled then we sat down

"What I meant earlier is Periods are such a pain in the ass"I said as she look up at me

"Hell yeah! That's r-----ow!"she said as she held her stomach. Ughhhhh another cramps

"Issei!"(Y/N) said as I sighed and nodded

"Yes, yes, I'm here. I'll get you the things you want"I said as she smiled

"Sorry for tr-troubling you and thank you"(Y/N) said as I smiled and kissed her lips

"Anything for my princess"I said as she smiled

'But seriously, Periods Are Such A Pain In The Ass!' I thought and smiled


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