Love Is Not Over Daichi Sawamura x Chubby Reader

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Song fic! Love Is Not Over by BTS!

3rd Person's POV

The long night is following you as it flows
Why are you getting father away? So far that I can't reach you?
Tell me why, you're so far away, why can't you see me in your eyes anymore? Uh

(Y/N) walked aimlessly at the side of the rode, (Y/N) (L/N) and Daichi Sawamura recently broke up because of jealousy and (Y/N) can't take it anymore, Daichi had cheated on her for Yui Michimiya. Daichi isn't the type of guy to cheat but of course we wouldn't know what will change in the future, Daichi still love (Y/N) and so does (Y/N), but they were hurting so much so they broke up. Daichi and (Y/N) never took glances at each other and (Y/N) quit the volleyball club on being a manager. Of course she wouldn't risk crying in front of everyone while seeing Daichi happy and as if nothing happened. 

Love is so painful, yeah, goodbyes are even more painful

"(Y/N) please listen to me!"Daichi said as (Y/N) look up at him

"What would you explain!? That Yui kissed you and you didn't even bulge to push her away!?"(Y/N) asked as Daichi looked at her

"I was about to push her away but then I saw you running away! I tried to call for you but you were farther away from us!"Daichi said as (Y/N) laughed bitterly, they were at the gym along with everyone else and they don't know what to do. This was the first time that (Y/N) and Daichi fought.

"You're reason is that stupid sentence!? Why didn't you run after me!?"(Y/N) asked as everyone stared at them

"I was but you're far away!"Daichi said as (Y/N) turn around

"Freak this! Love is painful, goodbye Daichi. We're over"(Y/N) said as she run away while her tears flooded, Daichi's eyes were on tears while he knelt down, and punch the ground.

"Daichi!"Sugawara said as he was about to go to aid him but Ukai didn't and everyone left Daichi alone.

"G-goodbyes are even more painful, (Y/N)"Daichi said as he cried.

I can't go on if your not here
Love me, love me, come back to my arms.

Daichi and (Y/N) run into each other in a mall, at this time, (Y/N) was miserable and was fighting her illness of cancer, so she dyed her hair into whatever color she wants.

"I can't go on, (Y/N). Come back to me?"Daichi asked as (Y/N) stared at him blankly

"And give you a chance to cheat again? Huh no thanks"(Y/N) said as she walked away from Daichi, she doesn't want anyone knowing her illness.

"N-not until I'm alive, I won't speak"(Y/N) said as she smiled while her heart was aching.

(Y/N)'s POV

I looked at the mirror, I was in front of the mirror and I saw, a thin, pale, and weak girl. That girl is me, I looked at my swollen eyes from crying, I might die soon, my hair falls like the cherry blossoms in a I didn't go to school this past days. I would wear fake hair but my body and skin color won't hide the fact that I have brain cancer. I just realized it a couple of weeks ago after me and Daichi broke up, it's already in stage 4.

"W-w-why would I hide this from everyone?"I asked myself as the reflection showed my movement. I smiled weakly as I slightly pulled my hair and they fall, I gulped and cried.........I'm so thin! I look so weak. Then I heard knocking on the door, I widened my eyes and heard Hinata's voice. They're here, what could they possibly want!?

"W-what do you guys want!?"I asked while trying not to sound sick but my head is spinning, is it my time?

"We wanted to check if you're okay? Even though your not at the club anymore, we still care for you"I heard Takeda-sensei said as I looked at the door

"G-go away.........."I said as I touched my chest, I'm breathing heavily and I can't seem to see clearly.

"(Y/N)? Please, let us in"I heard Daichi's voice, he's tone sound concerned and regret, I was gasping for air then I suddenly fell on the ground. I heard my door bursted open and I saw a blurry Daichi then I completely blocked out.

Daichi's POV

We waited for the doctor to come out and he came out but with a sad look on his face, I looked at him

"I'm sorry but Ms. (L/N) has only two hours to live, the brain cancer cells spread through her body......."he said as I widened my eyes

"(Y-Y/N)-san has cancer?"Tanaka asked as the doctor seemed surprised

"She didn't tell you? I told her to take treatment as soon as possible but she said it was fine........she could just die.......instead of living a miserable life"the doctor said as my tears poured, I sat down with my hands on my lips.

"Daichi"Suga said as he hugged me and I cried, all of them hugged me while we cried.

~Time skip~

I looked at (Y/N), she wasn't the girl I loved back then, this girl is fragile and weak, if you touch her, she could break. I looked at her with pain in my eyes

"(Y/N)?"I asked as she looked at me, she was talking slowly to everyone

"Y-yes........D-Daichi?"she asked as I looked at her, I gulped and hold her hand gently

"C-can we hold hands like this until your last breath?"I asked as she looked at me and smiled weakly

"I-I-I-I thought........y-you'd.....never ask......"(Y/N) said as I smiled while letting my tears fall, three minutes more........she's gonna be gone forever.

"(Y-Y-Y/N)?"I asked as she looked at me

"H-hm?"she asked as I smiled

"I-I-I love you, (Y/N)........."I said as she squeezed my hand that was holding hers but lightly cause she's already weak

"I-I-I love you........too, D-D-Daichi......always will"(Y/N) said as I smiled and hugged her

" l-last.......wish.......?"(Y/N) asked as I nodded

"Yeah, say it"I said as she smiled

"K-k-k-kiss me for one last time.......Daichi....."(Y/N) said as I smiled and I slowly kissed her lips while she smiled and kissed back, then after that, her eyes closed and her breathing stopped. I heard machines beeped while everyone called the doctor, I smiled weakly while crying.

Love is not over, over, over
Love is not over, over, over
Love is not over, over, over
Love is not over, over, over

'I'll guide your way to the nationals, Daichi' I heard (Y/N)'s voice as I looked at the wall

"I know you will, (Y/N)"I said as I smiled.


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