“Thank you Mia, you’re like a sister I’ve always wanted” Mia gave me a hug and handed me the heels once they were on we made our way downstairs seeing the boys looking smart but not too over dressed like the parents. Luke and Michael were talking with Luke’s back to me, Michael noticed Mia and not taking his eyes off her and Luke finally realised turning around with wide eyes seeing me and he soon smiled.

“You look gorgeous, like always” he told me making me blush like crazy.

“Alright I am ready to party” Sarah said coming down in basically a dress you wear to a red carpet premiere and like always she looked good making my self-esteem lower even more.  Luke leaned in and whispered in my ear

“You look better than her don’t worry, you’re the prettiest person in this room”

“Thank you” I said back

 - - -

We walked into the country club seeing people dressed basically like Sarah which was strange, Luke’s arm was wrapped around me waist guiding me behind my parents. The parents went to get alcohol while Luke and I made our way to the food table.

“Miss Clifford”? I turned around seeing an older gentlemen smiling at me

“Hi um”

“You don’t remember me, I worked for your father and we were best of friends”

“Oh my gosh Andy, it’s been so long” I gave him a hug, he was my older best friend growing up and when he told me he couldn’t work for dad anymore it was heart breaking to hear.

“You’ve grown up so much still wanting to be an events manager”? He asked, I nodded my head

“That’s great have you applied for any colleges”? I was about to say yes but I shook my head

“No I haven’t”

“Well it’s almost the end of summer and I’m sure you’ll get into a college, who’s this young fellow”?

“Andy this is Luke Hemmings my boyfriend slash best friend”

“Hello sir”

“Is this the Luke Hemmings you always talked to me about when you came to work to hang out with me”

“She talked about me”?

“She never stopped but I have to go to check on my wife nice to meet you Luke, happy New Year Jodee”

“You too Andy” Andy walked off and Luke turned around looking at me

“Care to explain”?

“Well when I moved here and Andy was basically someone I could tell everything to and since you were my only friend in grade 3 I talked about you and may have mention how beautiful your eyes were” It was true I always had a thing with Luke’s eyes they were beautiful there was no denying it.

“You like my eyes”? he said

“Yes they are beautiful” it was a strange conversation but I was telling the truth. Luke laughed at me taking my hand dragging me onto the dance floor. Luke turned around pulling me close when the band sang Sam Smith stay with me which was one of my favourite songs from this year. Not having Ashton here has made me realise these last couple of days that I was falling for my best friend but I just couldn’t admit it to anyone not even my best friend since I was worried about losing my friendship with him. Luke was mouthing the words making me smile he twirled me around and I noticed the rest of the family dancing with someone.

“Did I mention how great you looked in that dress”?

“You may have mentioned it a couple of times and you look handsome tonight I must add”

“Mia may have helped out”

“That’s Mia” we both laughed looking at Mia and Michael dancing together, it’s good seeing my brother happy for once with a girl that he basically loves. The band stopped singing the song and it went to a fast song which made the mood better and it was one of mum’s favourite songs which I knew every word too since she’s got it on repeat all the time.

 - - -

There were ten minutes until midnight and ten minutes that was leading up to the kiss that basically Grandma was waiting for since we arrived. The band was still playing amazing songs that were from this year in the past two hours which were great. I sat down with Mia and Michael while Grandma wanted to dance with Luke, she had her chance and she basically took it.

“You alright sis”? Michael asked, I looked at him nodding my head

“Yeah just a lot of things going on inside my head”

“Like what”?

“London, kissing my best friend and the fact I might be falling for him” Michael looked at Mia and she rolled her eyes swapping seats with me.

“Look with London you have to tell Luke sooner or later and maybe kissing your best friend isn’t going to be such a big deal after all and anyway if you fall for your best friend his going to understand and if you guys actual date your family already love him especially Grandma” I looked at Luke dancing with Grandma, Luke looked up at me smiling and it made me smile as well.

When two songs ended Luke walked over taking a seat and the front man of the band said

“Alright for our countdown song this is Coldplay A sky full of stars” he started singing it and I looked at Luke and he had his hand out ready to dance, he took my hand and we ran to the dance floor dancing together having fun. Basically everyone in the room was dancing but my attention ignored that because all my attention was on Luke just staring at him, I wrapped my arms around his neck singing to the words and the next thing I knew someone started counting down.







Luke and I leaned in listening to the countdown





Luke and I’s lips connected and I could fell sparks flying it was better than kissing Ashton because kissing my best friend made the butterflies in my stomach appeared and my heart bursting out of my chest everything around me disappeared and it was like we were the only two on the earth. Luke and I both pulled away our eyes widening realising what just happen. The kiss answered everyone because now I knew I was 100 per cent falling for my best friend Luke.

- - -

YAY they finally kissed ahah but I was listening to a lot of Coldplay and A Sky full of stars came on while I was up to the big kiss and so I included the song in it because I could imagine it anyway thank you for the comments :)

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